- pantograph pan
полоз пантографа
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Pantograph — Pan to*graph, n. [Panto + graph: cf. F. pantographe.] An instrument for copying plans, maps, and other drawings, on the same, or on a reduced or an enlarged, scale. [Written also {pantagraph}, and incorrectly {pentagraph}.] [1913 Webster] 2. An… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pan- — Panta Pan ta , Panto Pan to [Gr. ?, m., ?, neut., gen. ?, all.] Combining forms signifying all, every; as, panorama, pantheism, pantagraph, pantograph. Pan becomes pam before b or p, as pamprodactylous. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pan´to|graph´i|cal|ly — pan|to|graph|ic «PAN tuh GRAF ihk», adjective. of, having to do with, or produced by a pantograph. –pan´to|graph´i|cal|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
pan|to|graph|ic — «PAN tuh GRAF ihk», adjective. of, having to do with, or produced by a pantograph. –pan´to|graph´i|cal|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
pantograph — [pan′tə graf΄] n. [Fr pantographe: see PANTO & GRAPH] 1. a mechanical device for reproducing a map, drawing, etc. on the same or a different scale, consisting of a framework of jointed rods in a roughly parallelogram form 2. any similar framework … English World dictionary
pan|tog|ra|phy — «pan TOG ruh fee», noun. 1. a general description; entire view of an object. 2. the process of copying by means of the pantograph … Useful english dictionary
pantograph — pan•to•graph [[t]ˈpæn təˌgræf, ˌgrɑf[/t]] n. 1) an instrument for the mechanical copying of maps or diagrams on any desired scale 2) elm a device for transferring current from an overhead wire to a vehicle, as an electric locomotive • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang
Pantograph — Pan|to|graph 〈m.; Gen.: en, Pl.: en〉 Gerät zum Vergrößern od. Verkleinern von geometr. Figuren, Storchschnabel; oV [Etym.: <Panto… + …graph] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
pantograph — pan|to|graph [ˈpæntəgra:f US græf] n technical 1.) an instrument used to make a smaller or larger exact copy of a drawing, plan etc 2.) a thing on top of an electric train which takes electric power from an electric power line above it … Dictionary of contemporary English
pantograph — pan·to·graph … English syllables
Pantograph — Bügel (umgangssprachlich); Pantograf (fachsprachlich); Stromabnehmer; Allesschreiber; Storchschnabel; Pantograf * * * Pan|to|graph 〈m. 16〉 = Pantograf * * * Pantogr … Universal-Lexikon