- pane glass
оконное стекло
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
pane glass — lakštinis stiklas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis 70–78% SiO₂,12–15% Na₂O, 7–11% CaO, 3–4% MgO, 1–2% Al₂O₃ ir Fe₂O₃ turintis stiklas atitikmenys: angl. pane glass; sheet glass rus. листовое стекло … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
glass — [ glæs ] noun *** ▸ 1 clear substance ▸ 2 for drinking out of ▸ 3 objects made of glass ▸ 4 mirror ▸ 5 barometer ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) uncount a hard clear substance used for making objects such as windows or bottles: car windows made of bulletproof… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pane — [peın] n [Date: 1200 1300; : French; Origin: pan, from Latin pannus cloth ] a piece of glass used in a window or door ▪ a window pane ▪ a pane of glass →↑windowpane … Dictionary of contemporary English
pane — [pān] n. [ME pan < OFr < L pannus, piece of cloth < IE base * pan , fabric > Gr pēnos, cloth, OE fana, banner] 1. a piece or division, esp. if flat and rectangular; specif., a) a single division of a window, etc., consisting of a… … English World dictionary
GLASS — Glass results from the heating of a mixture of sand, lime, and sodium carbonate to a very high temperature. When different materials are added to the sand, glass can become transparent, translucent, or colored. While the origins of glass are… … Historical Dictionary of Architecture
Pane — Pane, n. [OE. pan part, portion of a thing, F. pan a skirt, lappet, part or piece of a wall, side, fr. L. pannus a cloth, fillet, rag; akin to E. vane. See {Vane}, and cf. {Panel}, {Pawn} pledge.] 1. A division; a distinct piece, limited part, or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pane — [ peın ] noun count a flat piece of glass in a window or door … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pane — (n.) mid 13c., garment, part of a garment, later side of a building, section of a wall, from O.Fr. pan piece, panel (11c.), from L. pannum (nom. pannus) piece of cloth, garment, probably cognate with Goth. fana piece of cloth, Gk. penos web.… … Etymology dictionary
pane — ► NOUN 1) a single sheet of glass in a window or door. 2) a sheet or page of stamps. ORIGIN Latin pannus piece of cloth … English terms dictionary
pane — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ broken ▪ glass ▪ window VERB + PANE ▪ break, shatter, smash (esp. BrE) … Collocations dictionary
glass */*/*/ — UK [ɡlɑːs] / US [ɡlæs] noun Word forms glass : singular glass plural glasses 1) a) [uncountable] a hard clear substance used for making objects such as windows or bottles car windows made of bulletproof glass the sound of breaking glass… … English dictionary