Смотреть что такое "backslope" в других словарях:
backslope — The hillslope profile position that forms the steepest and generally linear, middle portion of the slope. In profile, backslopes are commonly bounded by a convex shoulder above and a concave footslope below. They may or may not include… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
footslope — The hillslope profile position that forms the concave surface at the base of a hillslope. It is a transition zone between upslope sites of erosion and transport (shoulder, backslope) and downslope sites of deposition (toeslope). Compare:… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
shoulder — The hillslope profile position that forms the convex, erosional surface near the top of a hillslope. If present, it comprises the transition zone from summit to backslope. Compare: summit, crest, backslope, footslope, and toeslope. SW &… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
Geography of Iraq — Overview map of Iraq. Topography of Iraq. The geograp … Wikipedia
Geography of London — London is the largest urban area and capital city of the United Kingdom. Greater London covers an area of 609 square miles (1,579 square km). London is a port on the Thames (see main article Port of London ), a navigable river. The river has had… … Wikipedia
Metacomet Trail — This topic is about a footpath in Connecticut. It should not be confused with the similarly named Metacomet Monadnock Trail of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Metacomet Trail Bl … Wikipedia
McLeod (tool) — This combination heavy duty rake and hoe tool is named after Ranger Malcolm McLeod. Firefighters use this tool to cut through matted litter and duff and clearing loose surface materials. The McLeod is a wildland firefighting tool with a large hoe … Wikipedia
Metacomet-Monadnock Trail — This topic is about the footpath located in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. It should not be confused with the similarly named Metacomet Trail of Connecticut. Metacomet Monadnock Trail Trap rock cliffs along the M M Trail on the Mount Tom Range … Wikipedia
Mid-City New Orleans — Coordinates: 29°58′19″N 90°05′49″W / 29.97194°N 90.09694°W / 29.97194; 90.09694 … Wikipedia
Mount Tom Range — Metacomet Ridge Range … Wikipedia
Metacomet Ridge — Range Traprock cliffs on Chauncey Peak, Connecticut … Wikipedia