
1) упаковка (средство для защиты продукта от повреждений и потерь)
2) тара
3) упаковывание || упаковывать
4) пачка; пакет
5) блок; узел; модуль; сборка
6) набор; комплект
7) набивка; уплотнение
8) исполнение, вариант (изготовления автомобиля)
9) радио модульная станция, контейнер (с аппаратурой)
10) корпус || помещать в корпус; монтировать в корпусе
11) вчт. пакет программ
12) текст., швейн. паковка
13) полигр. декель
accounting package
aerosol package
airborne guidance package
airproof package
anger package
antifreeze package
application package
aseptic package
beam-lead package
benchmark package
biodegradable package
blade package
blister package
breathing package
bucket teeth package
canvas straps sustension package
ceramic dual in-line package
ceramic package
chaff package
chip package
chip-carrier package
CNC rebuild package
coaxial package
competent CNC package
component package
consumer package
control package
core lower package
core upper package
cutting edge package
debug package
design package
development package
DIL package
disposable package
distributed intelligence interactive drafting package
distributed drafting package
drafting package
drive engineering package
dual-in-line package
dyeing package
electronic control package
engine powered package
filter-regulator-lubricator package
fleatlag package
gasket package
glass package
graphics software package
graphics package
gravel package
guidance package
hardware and software package
hybrid package
immediate package
individual package
integrated package
integrated-circuit package
interior package
large-sized package
large-size package
leadless package
loose package
low-profile package
memory package
molded package
multichip package
multiple package
multiple-in-line package
multiway package
NC-IM package
net package
one-snot package
palletized package
pill package
pin-grid array package
pin-grid package
plug-in package
primary package
production package
production testing equipment package
program package
quadruple-in-line package
quad-in-line package
radar package
retrofit package
returnable package
secondary package
shrink package
single in-line package
skin package
small-outline package
small-outline transistor package
SO package
software package
SOT package
spent full package
spray package
spring suspension package
stretch package
stripline package
supply package
system package
TAB package
tailor-made package
take-up package
tape automated bonding package
tape suspension package
telemetering package
tension spring package
testing and debugging package
thermoformed plastic package
throw-away package
tintsoft package
TO package
tropical package
unit package
vacuum-formed package

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "package" в других словарях:

  • package — [ paka(d)ʒ; pakɛdʒ ] n. m. • 1968; mot angl. (XVIe), de to pack « emballer » ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ Inform. Ensemble cohérent de programmes et de documentations commercialisables (⇒ progiciel). 2 ♦ Public. Ensemble des prestations, faisant partie d un… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Package — can refer to:*Packaging and labelling *Mail item larger than a letter *Software package, in computing, a type of file format where software programs and installation material is grouped together **Java package, a concept programming where related …   Wikipedia

  • package — The figurative meaning ‘a set of proposals or arrangements considered as a whole’, common in combinations such as package deal and package holiday, was a 20c development first in AmE and more recently in BrE: • The mass audience…is…merely given… …   Modern English usage

  • package — [pak′ij] n. 1. Obs. the act or process of packing 2. a wrapped or boxed thing or group of things; parcel 3. a container, wrapping, etc., esp. one in which a commodity is packed for sale ☆ 4. a number of items, plans, etc. offered or proposed as… …   English World dictionary

  • Package — (engl. Paket) bezeichnet: in der Elektronik die Ummantelung eines integrierten Schaltkreises (z. B. Mikrochip) inklusive der Anschlussstellen (Leads und Pins), siehe Chipgehäuse im Kontext von Betriebssystem Distributionen ein Programmpaket… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • package — ► NOUN 1) an object or group of objects wrapped in paper or packed in a box. 2) N. Amer. a packet. 3) (also package deal) a set of proposals or terms offered or agreed as a whole. 4) informal a package holiday. 5) Computing a collection of… …   English terms dictionary

  • Package — Pack age (p[a^]k [asl]j; 48), n. 1. Act or process of packing. [1913 Webster] 2. A bundle made up for transportation; a packet; a bale; a parcel; as, a package of goods. [1913 Webster] 3. A charge made for packing goods. [1913 Webster] 4. A duty… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • package — / pækidʒ/, it. / pɛk:ɛdʒ/ s. ingl. [der. di (to ) pack impaccare, imballare ], usato in ital. al masch., invar. (inform.) [insieme di programmi per calcolatori elettronici] ▶◀ [➨ pacchetto (2)] …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • package — /ingl. ˈpækɪdʒ/ [vc. ingl., propr. «pacco, imballaggio», da pack «pacco»] s. m. inv. (elab.) pacchetto, insieme di programmi …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • package — n packet, *bundle, bunch, bale, parcel, pack …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • package — A group of addressed pieces assembled and secured together to make up a basic unit of bulk mail for processing purposes. (Also see bundle.) …   Glossary of postal terms

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