Смотреть что такое "oxy" в других словарях:
oxy — oxy·phile; oxy·rhynch; oxy·urid; hy·droxy·des·oxy·corticosterone; oxy·ceph·a·lous; oxy·chro·ma·tin·ic; oxy·opy; oxy·phil·ic; oxy·rhyn·chan; oxy·rhyn·chus; oxy·stoma·tous; oxy·ton·i·cal; … English syllables
Oxy — may refer to: Chemistry Oxy or oxo is a term used to describe a ketone functional group Oxy is a slang name for oxygen acetylene welding Oxy is the name of a character from the Molecularium Oxy is the brand name for a line of acne care products… … Wikipedia
oxy- — 1 [äk′si, äk′sə, äk′sē] [< OXY(GEN)] combining form 1. containing oxygen [oxyacetylene, oxyhemoglobin] 2. containing the hydroxyl radical [oxytetracycline]: in this sense HYDROXY is preferred oxy 2 [äk′si, äk′sə, äk′sē] [< Gr oxys, sharp,… … English World dictionary
oxy... — oxy..., Oxy... 〈Chem.; veraltet für〉 oxi..., Oxi... * * * Oxy... [gekürzt aus Oxygenium], veraltete Bezeichnung für die Hydroxylgruppe bei organischen Verbindungen (Hydroxy...); charakterisiert allgemein, dass ein Sauerstoffatom an zwei Atome… … Universal-Lexikon
Oxy... — oxy..., Oxy... 〈Chem.; veraltet für〉 oxi..., Oxi... * * * Oxy... [gekürzt aus Oxygenium], veraltete Bezeichnung für die Hydroxylgruppe bei organischen Verbindungen (Hydroxy...); charakterisiert allgemein, dass ein Sauerstoffatom an zwei Atome… … Universal-Lexikon
Oxy- — Ox y (Chem.) A prefix, also used adjectively, designating: (a) A compound containing oxygen. (b) A compound containing the hydroxyl group, more properly designated by hydroxy . See {Hydroxy }. [1913 Webster] {Oxy acid}. See {Oxyacid} (below).… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
oxy- — 1 a combining form meaning sharp, acute, keen, pointed, acid, used in the formation of compound words: oxycephalic; oxygen; oxymoron. [ < Gk, comb. form of oxýs sharp, keen, acid] oxy 2 a combining form representing oxygen in compound words,… … Universalium
oxy... — oxy..., Oxy... <zu gr. oxýs »scharf, sauer«> Wortbildungselement mit den Bedeutungen: a) »scharf, herb, sauer«, z. B. Oxymoron, u. b) »Sauerstoff enthaltend, brauchend«, z. B. Oxygenation … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
oxy- — from Gk. oxy , comb. form of oxys sharp, pungent (see ACRID (Cf. acrid)). Also used as a comb. form of OXYGEN (Cf. oxygen) … Etymology dictionary
oxy- — 1 combining form denoting sharpness: oxytone. Origin from Gk oxus sharp . oxy 2 (also ox ) combining form Chemistry representing oxygen … English new terms dictionary
Oxy... — Oxy... (v. gr.), scharf, herb, sauer … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon