- oversampling
дискретизация с повышенной частотой, передискретизация, дискретизация с запасом по частоте, супердискретизация
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Oversampling — [ əʊvəsɑːmplɪȖ; englisch, aus over »darüber hinaus« und to sample »probieren«] das, s, Audiotechnik: Mehrfachabtastung des pulscodemodulierten Signals bei der Wiedergabe einer Tondarbietung durch einen CD Player durch Anwendung einer um den… … Universal-Lexikon
Oversampling — In signal processing, oversampling is the process of sampling a signal with a sampling frequency significantly higher than twice the bandwidth or highest frequency of the signal being sampled. Oversampling helps avoid aliasing, improves… … Wikipedia
Oversampling — In der digitalen Signalverarbeitung spricht man von Überabtastung oder engl. Oversampling [oʊvɚˈsæmplɪŋ], wenn ein Signal mit einer höheren Abtastrate bearbeitet wird, als für die Darstellung der Signalbandbreite benötigt wird. Eine Überabtastung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Oversampling — L oversampling[1] (littéralement « samplant par dessus ») est une technique de jeu musical. Elle consiste à construire un morceau en enregistrant à l aide d un sampler plusieurs bribes successives les unes par dessus les autres. Cette… … Wikipédia en Français
oversampling — A departure from simple random sampling , in which the same sampling fraction is applied to all cases in the population being studied, so that an invariant one in 50 or one in 200 (for example) are selected for interview. Oversampling is the… … Dictionary of sociology
Oversampling and undersampling in data analysis — are techniques used to adjust the class distribution of a data set (i.e. the ratio between the different classes/categories represented). Oversampling and undersampling are opposite and roughly equivalent techniques. They both involve using a… … Wikipedia
oversampling — ● ►en /o v*r s(en) pling/ n. m. Le fait d échantillonner trop, pour avoir une meilleure restitution. Les scanners par exemple peuvent travailler en 32 bits en interne, pour donner des images en 24 bits. L entropie est ainsi piégée... Nananèèreu! … Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone
oversampling — n. (Computers) correction of jagged appearances in graphic objects by filling in the jagged areas with intermediate colors (like antialiasing) … English contemporary dictionary
oversampling — noun Electronics the technique of increasing the apparent sampling frequency of a digital signal by repeating each digit a number of times, in order to facilitate the subsequent filtering of unwanted noise … English new terms dictionary
oversampling — A time division multiplexing (TDM) technique in which each bit from each channel is sampled more than once. See also time division multiplexing … Dictionary of networking
oversampling — … Useful english dictionary