
1) пробивка в зоне перфокарты || пробивать в зоне перфокарты
2) пробивать (новые) данные на отперфорированной карте

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "overpunch" в других словарях:

  • overpunch — verb To punch (some value or pattern) over an existing pattern on paper tape …   Wiktionary

  • overpunch — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Signed overpunch — A signed overpunch is a code used to store the sign of a number by changing the last digit. It was used in old punched card systems and was carried over to COBOL especially when using EBCDIC. Its purpose is to save a character that would… …   Wikipedia

  • Punched card — Overpunch redirects here. For the code, see Signed overpunch. A punched card, punch card, IBM card, or Hollerith card is a piece of stiff paper that contains digital information represented by the presence or absence of holes in predefined… …   Wikipedia

  • Binary-coded decimal — In computing and electronic systems, binary coded decimal (BCD) is a digital encoding method for numbers using decimal notation, with each decimal digit represented by its own binary sequence. In BCD, a numeral is usually represented by four bits …   Wikipedia

  • Baudot code — The Baudot code, invented by Émile Baudot,[1] is a character set predating EBCDIC and ASCII. It was the predecessor to the International Telegraph Alphabet No 2 (ITA2), the teleprinter code in use until the advent of ASCII. Each character in the… …   Wikipedia

  • COBOL — For other uses, see COBOL (disambiguation). COBOL LANGUAGE Paradigm(s) procedural, object oriented Appeared in 1959 (1959) Designed by Grace Hopper, William Selden, Gertrude Tierney, Howard Bromberg, Howard Discount, Vernon Reeves, Jean E.… …   Wikipedia

  • Data General — Industry Computer Fate Acquired Successor EMC Corporation Founded 1968 …   Wikipedia

  • Burroughs large systems instruction set — The B5000 instruction set is the set of valid operations for the Burroughs large systems including the current (as of 2006) Unisys Clearpath/MCP systems. These unique machines have a distinctive design and instruction set. Each word of data is… …   Wikipedia

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