- overcasting stitch
краеобмёточный стежок
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
overcasting — /oh veuhr kas ting, kah sting/, n. Sewing. 1. the act of sewing along the edges of material with long, spaced stitches to prevent raveling. 2. the stitch used to overcast. [1880 85; OVERCAST + ING1] * * * … Universalium
overcasting — /ˈoʊvəkastɪŋ/ (say ohvuhkahsting) noun Sewing 1. the act of sewing along the edges of material with long spaced stitches to prevent ravelling. 2. the stitch used to overcast …
overcasting — noun a long whipstitch or overhand stitch overlying an edge to prevent raveling • Syn: ↑overcast • Derivationally related forms: ↑overcast, ↑overcast (for: ↑overcast) • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
saddle stitch — sad′dle stitch n. clo a) an overcasting stitch, esp. one made with a strip of leather or cord b) a spaced running stitch in contrasting thread • Etymology: 1930–35 sad′dle stitch , v.t … From formal English to slang
saddle stitch — 1. Sewing. a. an overcasting stitch, esp. one made with a strip of leather or a thick leatherlike cord. b. a spaced running stitch in contrasting or heavy thread, used mainly for decoration, usually along an edge. 2. Bookbinding. a binding stitch … Universalium
overcast stitch — o′vercast stitch n. 1) clo a sewing stitch done by overcasting 2) clo a fine embroidery stitch used to create decorative patterns on the thread bundles in openwork or drawn work … From formal English to slang
saddlestitch — saddle stitch n. 1. A simple overcasting stitch, usually of a thread contrasting in color with the fabric, used primarily as ornament on clothing. 2. A stitch used in sewing together the leaves of a book at the fold lines, either with thread or… … Universalium
whipstitch — I. transitive verb Date: 1592 whip 5 II. noun Date: 1640 a shallow overcasting stitch … New Collegiate Dictionary
whip — whiplike, adj. whipper, n. /hwip, wip/, v., whipped or whipt, whipping, n. v.t. 1. to beat with a strap, lash, rod, or the like, esp. by way of punishment or chastisement; flog; thrash: Criminals used to be whipped for minor offenses. 2. to… … Universalium
whip — [[t](h)wɪp, wɪp[/t]] v. whipped whipt, whip•ping, 1) to beat with a flexible implement, as a strap, lash, or rod, esp. as punishment; flog 2) to spank 3) to urge on with or as if with lashes 4) to castigate with words 5) to train or organize… … From formal English to slang
whipstitch — noun a sewing stitch passing over an edge diagonally • Syn: ↑whipping, ↑whipstitching • Hypernyms: ↑sewing stitch, ↑embroidery stitch • Hyponyms: ↑overcast, ↑overcasting … Useful english dictionary