output load

output load
выходная нагрузка; нагрузка на выходе

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "output load" в других словарях:

  • output load — išėjimo apkrova statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. output load vok. Ausgangsbelastung, f rus. выходная нагрузка, f; нагрузка на выходе, f pranc. charge de sortie, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Load regulation — is the capability to maintain a constant voltage (or current) level on the output channel of a power supply despite changes in load [cite web|title=Line and Load Regulation for Programmable DC Power Supplies and Precision DC Sources Developer… …   Wikipedia

  • Load factor — may refer to:* Capacity factor, the ratio of the actual output of a power plant over a period of time and its output if it had operated a full capacity of that time period * Load factor (aerodynamics), n, is the vector expressed by the ratio of… …   Wikipedia

  • Output Management — ist die Erstellung, Generierung, Steuerung und Verteilung von elektronischen oder physisch vorliegenden Dokumenten an alle vorgesehenen Empfänger im Unternehmen oder außerhalb eines Unternehmens. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Output Management in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Load management — is the process of balancing the supply of electricity on the network with the electrical load.Electrical energy is a form of Energy that cannot be stored. It can however be traded as a commodity. It must be generated, shipped to the point where… …   Wikipedia

  • Load — may refer to:*Structural load, forces which are applied to a structure *Cargo, Freight, or Lading *The load of a mutual fund (see Mutual fund fees and expenses) *The load of an insurance contract, defined as the percent increase of the expected… …   Wikipedia

  • Output power of an analog TV transmitter — Output power of a TV transmitter is the electric power applied to antenna system. There are two definitions: nominal (or peak) and thermal. Contents 1 Power defined in terms of voltage 2 Nominal power of a TV transmitter 3 The thermal power …   Wikipedia

  • Load pull — and Source pull are the processes of altering (pulling) the impedances at the output and input, respectively, of an RF device or component whilst measuring the device behaviour. This can be necessary when the device under test has a non linear… …   Wikipedia

  • Load-balanced switch — A load balanced switch is a switch architecture which guarantees 100% throughput, (the equivalent of perfect arbitration), with no central arbitration at all, at the cost of sending each packet across the crossbar twice. Load balanced switches… …   Wikipedia

  • Output impedance — The output impedance, source impedance, or internal impedance of an electronic device is the opposition exhibited by its output terminals to an alternating current (AC) of a particular frequency as a result of resistance, inductance and… …   Wikipedia

  • Load bank — A load bank is a device which develops an electrical load, applies the load to an electrical power source and converts or dissipates the resultant power output of the source. The purpose of a load bank is to accurately mimic the operational or… …   Wikipedia

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