- outline plan
укрупнённый план
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
outline plan — plano metmenys statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Išankstinis planas, apibrėžiantis pagrindinius veiksmų eigos varianto principus, rengiamas prieš pradedant detalų planavimą. atitikmenys: angl. outline plan pranc. avant projet … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
outline plan — A preliminary plan which outlines the salient features or principles of a course of action prior to the initiation of detailed planning … Military dictionary
British Joint Outline Plan Neptune — ▪ Primary Source Having received the “Neptune” Initial Joint Plan from the joint commanders of the Allied expeditionary forces, the British Second Army prepared, as required, its own plan outlining its role in the establishment of an Allied … Universalium
outline — Ⅰ. outline UK US /ˈaʊtlaɪn/ verb [T] ► to describe something, for example a new plan or idea, in a general way without giving too many details: »The government has outlined a series of environmental goals it is seeking to meet by 2020. (be)… … Financial and business terms
plan# — plan n Plan, design, plot, scheme, project, as nouns, denote a proposed method of doing or making something or of achieving a given end, and as verbs, to devise such a method. Plan, in its widest sense, regularly implies mental formulation of the … New Dictionary of Synonyms
outline — [n1] plan, sketch bare facts*, blueprint, diagram, draft, drawing, floor plan, frame, framework, ground plan, layout, main features, recapitulation, résumé, rough draft, rough idea, rundown, skeleton, summary, synopsis, thumbnail sketch*,… … New thesaurus
plan — n 1: a diagram of an area of land (as a subdivision) filed in the registry of deeds see also plot plan 2: a detailed program; esp: one made under chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code that places future earnings under the control of a trustee,… … Law dictionary
outline — I (boundary) noun ambit, border, bounds, bourn, brink, circuit, circumference, circumscription, compass, confine, contour, demarcation, edge, edging, external form, extrema lineamenta, extremity, frame, fringes, frontier, limitations, limits,… … Law dictionary
plan — [n1] scheme, design, way of doing things aim, angle, animus, arrangement, big picture*, contrivance, course of action, deal, device, disposition, expedient, game plan, gimmick, ground plan, idea, intent, intention, layout, machination, meaning,… … New thesaurus
outline — [out′līn΄] n. 1. a line bounding the limits of an object, showing its shape; contour line 2. a sketch showing only the contours of an object without use of shading 3. [also pl.] a general plan without detail 4. a summary of a subject, consisting… … English World dictionary
Outline — Out line , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Outlined}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Outlining}.] 1. To draw the outline of. [1913 Webster] 2. Fig.: To sketch out or indicate as by an outline; to create a general framework of (a plan, system, discourse, course of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English