Смотреть что такое "backbone" в других словарях:
Backbone — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La palabra backbone se refiere a las principales conexiones troncales de Internet. Está compuesta de un gran número de routers comerciales, gubernamentales, universitarios y otros de gran capacidad interconectados… … Wikipedia Español
Backbone — Back bone (b[a^]k b[=o]n ), n. [2d back, n. + bone.] [1913 Webster] 1. The column of bones in the back which sustains and gives firmness to the frame; the spine; the vertebral or spinal column. [1913 Webster] 2. Anything like, or serving the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Backbone — may mean:* Vertebral column, of a vertebrate organism * Backbone chain, in polymer chemistry, the framework of the molecule * Backbone Entertainment, a video game development company * Backbone network, the top level of a hierarchical network *… … Wikipedia
Backbone — Backbone: Internet backbone Backbone network Backbone Entertainment производитель видеоигр Backbone (альбом Бони Джеймса) Бэкбэун сообщество в округе Alleghany, Виргиния … Википедия
Backbone — (engl. „Rückgrat“) bezeichnet: in der Biochemie das Grundgerüst von Proteinen und Nukleinsäuren, siehe Backbone (Biochemie) in der Telekommunikation einen verbindenden Kernbereich eines Telekommunikationsnetzes mit sehr hohen Bandbreiten, siehe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
backbone — [n1] strength of character courage, determination, firmness, fortitude, grit, guts, hardihood, heart, intestinal fortitude*, mettle, moral fiber, nerve, pluck, resolution, resolve, spunk, stamina, steadfastness, tenacity, toughness, will,… … New thesaurus
backbone — I noun ardor, audacity, boldness, cornerstone, courage, dependency, determination, earnestness, embodiment, endurance, firmness, fortitude, gist, ground, indefatigability, intestinal fortitude, main point, mainstay, marrow, mettle, nerve, pillar … Law dictionary
backbone — spine, early 14c., from BACK (Cf. back) (n.) + BONE (Cf. bone). Figurative sense of strength of character is attested from 1843 … Etymology dictionary
backbone — 1 back, *spine, vertebrae, chine 2 grit, guts, sand, *fortitude, pluck Analogous words: *courage, resolution, tenacity, mettle, spirit: courageousness, intrepidity, dauntlessness, valiancy (see corresponding adjectives at BRAVE): nerve, * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
backbone — ► NOUN 1) the spine. 2) the chief support of a system or organization. 3) strength of character … English terms dictionary
backbone — [bak′bōn΄] n. [ME bakbon: see BACK1 & BONE] 1. the column of bones along the center of the back of vertebrate animals, including humans, made up of separate bones connected by the spinal cord, ligaments, and disk shaped cartilage; spine: see… … English World dictionary