orthogonal coordinates

orthogonal coordinates
1) ортогональные координаты
2) декартовы (прямоугольные) координаты

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "orthogonal coordinates" в других словарях:

  • Orthogonal coordinates — In mathematics, orthogonal coordinates are defined as a set of d coordinates q = (q1, q2, ..., qd) in which the coordinate surfaces all meet at right angles (note: superscripts are indices, not exponents). A coordinate surface for a particular… …   Wikipedia

  • orthogonal coordinates — stačiakampės koordinatės statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. Cartesian coordinates; orthogonal coordinates; restangular coordinates vok. Kartesische Koordinaten, f; rechtwinklige Koordinaten, f rus. декартовые координаты, f;… …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • orthogonal coordinates — stačiakampės koordinatės statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. grid coordinates; orthogonal coordinates; rectangular coordinates vok. orthogonale Koordinaten, f; rechtwinklige Koordinaten, f rus. ортогональные координаты, f; прямоугольные… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • curvilinear orthogonal coordinates — stačiakampės kreivinės koordinatės statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. curvilinear orthogonal coordinates; orthogonal curvilinear coordinates vok. rechtwinklige krummlinige Koordinaten, f rus. прямоугольные криволинейные координаты, f… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Orthogonal basis — In mathematics, particularly linear algebra, an orthogonal basis for an inner product space V is a basis for V whose vectors are mutually orthogonal. If the vectors of an orthogonal basis are normalized, the resulting basis is an orthonormal… …   Wikipedia

  • orthogonal curvilinear coordinates — stačiakampės kreivinės koordinatės statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. curvilinear orthogonal coordinates; orthogonal curvilinear coordinates vok. rechtwinklige krummlinige Koordinaten, f rus. прямоугольные криволинейные координаты, f… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Orthogonal group — Group theory Group theory …   Wikipedia

  • Orthogonal diagonalization — In linear algebra, an orthogonal diagonalization of a square matrix is a diagonalization by means of an orthogonal change of coordinates. The following is an orthogonal diagonalization algorithm that diagonalizes a quadratic form q(x) on Rn by… …   Wikipedia

  • Orthogonal trajectory — In mathematics, orthogonal trajectories are a family of curves in the plane that intersect a given family of curves at right angles. The problem is classical, but is now understood by means of complex analysis; see for example harmonic conjugate …   Wikipedia

  • Orthogonal convex hull — The orthogonal convex hull of a point set In Euclidean geometry, a set is defined to be orthogonally convex if, for every line L that is parallel to one of the axes of the Cartesian coordinate system, the intersection of K with L is empty, a… …   Wikipedia

  • orthogonal lead system — a system for placing the electrocardiographic leads in spatial vectorcardiography so that ideally the three leads used are mutually perpendicular, each is parallel to one of the rectilinear coordinates of the body, and each is of equal amplitude… …   Medical dictionary

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