oriented growth
Смотреть что такое "oriented growth" в других словарях:
oriented growth — kryptinis augimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. oriented growth vok. orientiertes Wachstum, n rus. ориентированный рост, m pranc. croissance orientée, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
growth-oriented — UK US /ˌgrəʊθˈɔːrientɪd/ US /ˌgroʊθˈɔːrienṱɪd/ adjective ► FINANCE, MANAGEMENT used to describe companies that plan to get bigger: »We are an aggressive, growth oriented company. ► FINANCE, STOCK MARKET used to describe investments that… … Financial and business terms
Growth At A Reasonable Price - GARP — An equity investment strategy that seeks to combine tenets of both growth investing and value investing to find individual stocks. GARP investors look for companies that are showing consistent earnings growth above broad market levels (a tenet of … Investment dictionary
oriented — / ɔ:rientɪd/, orientated / ɔ:riənˌteɪtɪd/ adjective interested in or involved with ● Our strategy is oriented towards achieving further growth in the export market. ● The promotion is entirely product oriented … Marketing dictionary in english
Perils of China's Explosive Growth — ▪ 2008 Introduction by Dorothy Grace Guerrero The China of 2007 was indeed a far cry from the country that in the 1950s Swedish Nobel Prize winning economist Gunnar Myrdal predicted would remain mired in poverty. In anticipation of the 2008… … Universalium
Smart growth — is an urban planning and transportation theory that concentrates growth in the center of a city to avoid urban sprawl; and advocates compact, transit oriented, walkable, bicycle friendly land use, including neighborhood schools, complete streets … Wikipedia
Object-oriented design — OOD redirects here. OOD may also refer to Officer of the Deck, Officer of the day, or the Ood. Object oriented design is the process of planning a system of interacting objects for the purpose of solving a software problem. It is one approach to… … Wikipedia
income-oriented — UK US adjective (also income orientated) ► relating to investments that produce interest, dividends (= regular payments), etc. rather than ones that increase in value: »Many income oriented investors seek high yields. → Compare GROWTH ORIENTED(Cf … Financial and business terms
Process Oriented Psychology — (POP) refers to a body of theory and practice that encompasses a broad range of psychotherapeutic, personal growth, and group process applications. It is more commonly called Process Work in the United States, the longer name being used in Europe … Wikipedia
Album-oriented rock — (sometimes referred to as Adult oriented rock or as West Coast Rock), abbreviated AOR and originally called album oriented radio, was originally an American FM radio format focusing on album tracks by rock artists. This format developed and… … Wikipedia
Economic growth — GDP real growth rates, 1990–1998 and 1990–2006, in selected countries … Wikipedia