ore grade
Смотреть что такое "ore grade" в других словарях:
Ore grade — is a measure that describes the concentration of a valuable natural material (such as metals or minerals) in its surrounding ore. Ore grade is used to assess the economic feasibility of a mining operation: the cost of extracting a natural… … Wikipedia
Grade — NOTOC Grade may refer to:In education* Grade (education), a teacher s evaluation of a student s performance * Grade level, the numbering of the year a student has reached in school.In civil engineering* Grade (slope), the pitch of a slope such as … Wikipedia
Ore sorting — refers to the process of separating an ore into separate constituent parts. Today, ore sorters are widely used in industrial mineral mines, diamond mines and base and precious metal mines. Ores are typically sorted to increase the efficiency of… … Wikipedia
Ore — For other uses, see Ore (disambiguation). Iron ore (Banded iron formation) … Wikipedia
ore body — noun : a more or less solid mass of ore that may consist of low grade as well as high grade ore and that is of different character from the adjoining rock * * * ore body noun A mass or vein of ore • • • Main Entry: ↑ore … Useful english dictionary
Ore genesis — The various theories of ore genesis explain how the various types of mineral deposits form within the Earth s crust. Ore genesis theories are very dependent on the mineral or commodity. Ore genesis theories generally involve three components:… … Wikipedia
ore — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ rich ▪ high grade, low grade ▪ metal, mineral ▪ copper, gold, iron … Collocations dictionary
ore dressing — noun crushing and separating ore into valuable substances or waste by any of a variety of techniques • Syn: ↑mineral extraction, ↑mineral processing, ↑mineral dressing, ↑ore processing, ↑beneficiation • Derivationally related forms: ↑beneficiate … Useful english dictionary
ore body — /ˈɔ bɒdi/ (say aw bodee) noun generally a solid and fairly continuous mass of ore, which may include low grade and waste as well as pay ore, but which is distinct from the surrounding country rock …
Iron ore — Iron ores are rocks and minerals from which metallic iron can be economically extracted. The ores are usually rich in iron oxides and vary in colour from dark grey, bright yellow, deep purple, to rusty red. The iron itself is usually found in the … Wikipedia
Christ Church, Ore — Christ Church The church from the east … Wikipedia