orbital station

orbital station
орбитальная станция; космическая станция

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "orbital station" в других словарях:

  • Orbital station-keeping — In astrodynamics orbital station keeping is a term used to describe the orbital maneuvers made by thruster burns that are needed to keep a spacecraft in a particular assigned orbit. For many Earth satellites the effects of the non Keplerian… …   Wikipedia

  • Mars Piloted Orbital Station — ISS Based MARPOST Prototype Mars Piloted Orbital Station (or MARPOST) is a Russian manned orbital mission to Mars, with several proposed configurations, including using a nuclear reactor to run an electric rocket engine. A 30 volume draft… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbital decay — is the process of prolonged reduction in the altitude of a satellite s orbit. This can be due to drag produced by an atmosphere due to frequent collisions between the satellite and surrounding air molecules. The drag experienced by the object is… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbital Piloted Assembly and Experiment Complex — CG rendering of OPSEK The Orbital Piloted Assembly and Experiment Complex (Orbitalniy Pilotiruemyi Eksperimentalniy Kompleks[1]) (OPSEK) is the planned Russian successor to the International Space Station, with the main goal of supporting deep… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbital Technologies Commercial Space Station — The Orbital Technologies Commercial Space Station is an orbital space station intended for commercial clients. The station was proposed in 2010 by Orbital Technologies, a Russian aerospace firm, who is collaborating to develop the station with… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbital Piloted Assembly and Experiment Complex — (OPSEK, en français : complexe expérimental et assemblage orbital piloté) est le successeur russe prévu à la Station spatiale internationale, avec l objectif principal de soutenir l exploration spatiale[1]. Sommaire 1 Vue d ensemble 2 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Orbital replacement unit — Orbital Replacement Units (ORUs) are key elements of the International Space Station that can be readily replaced when the unit either passes its design life or fails. Examples of ORUs are: pumps, storage tanks, controller boxes, antennas, and… …   Wikipedia

  • orbital — orbital, ale, aux [ ɔrbital, o ] adj. et n. f. • 1874; de orbite 1 ♦ Astron. Qui a rapport à l orbite d une planète, d un satellite; qui décrit une orbite. Mouvement orbital d une planète autour du Soleil. Station orbitale. ⇒ orbiteur. 2 ♦ N. f.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Orbital Express — Orbital Express: ASTRO and NEXTSat Orbital Express was a space mission managed by the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and a team led by engineers at NASA s Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). The Orbital Express… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbital (bande dessinée) — Orbital Série Logo de la série Scénario Sylvain Runberg …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Orbital Sciences — Corporation est une société américaine spécialisée dans la conception et le lancement de satellites légers placés en orbite basse (<2 000 km d altitude). Fondée en 1982, son siège est situé à Dulles en Virginie. Son président actuel est David… …   Wikipédia en Français

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