- optical printer
1) аппарат для проекционной фотопечати; фотоувеличитель2) кинокопировальный аппарат оптической печати3) установка (фото) литографии
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Optical printer — A 35 mm optical printer with two projector heads, used in producing movie special effects. Starting from the left, you can see light shining from the lamp house, then at A is the first projector s film gate, at B a lens that projects the film in… … Wikipedia
optical printer — fotolitografijos įrenginys statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. optical printer; printer vok. fotolithografische Anlage, f; Fotoschablonentwicklungsanlage, f rus. установка фотолитографии, f pranc. installation de… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
optical printer — noun : an apparatus for transferring a photographic picture or sound image from one film to another by means of various optical elements and devices that permit changing the size of the image and the production of special effects (as fades,… … Useful english dictionary
optical printer — a film printer used in making optical effects, consisting basically of a camera that photographs the image with special lenses to enlarge, reduce, distort, etc., and a projector that transfers the image to the print stock, as distinguished from a … Universalium
Optical Printer — F/A/V A printer in which an image of the original is transferred to raw film stock by means of light and a lens system. (Laboratory) … Audio and video glossary
optical printer — /ɒptɪkəl ˈprɪntə/ (say optikuhl printuh) noun an apparatus for enabling images from one film to be photographed on to another film by means of a lens; used in making reduction prints and for special effects and trick work …
optical printer — A device used to print the images of one film onto another film through direct photography … Glossary of cinematic terms
Printer — A printer can be: * Printer (publisher), a company or person who operates a printing press * Computer printer, a computer peripheral that reproduces text and/or pictures on paper or other kind of printable surface * Optical printer, a device to… … Wikipedia
printer — fotolitografijos įrenginys statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. optical printer; printer vok. fotolithografische Anlage, f; Fotoschablonentwicklungsanlage, f rus. установка фотолитографии, f pranc. installation de… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Optical Effects — F/A/V A laboratory or print procedure in which shots are modified by use of an optical printer. These are most commonly seen as fades and dissolves, however, it can include a wide range of special effects procedures. (Laboratory) … Audio and video glossary
Optical mark recognition — (also called Optical Mark Reading and OMR) is the process of capturing human marked data from document forms such as surveys and tests. Contents 1 OMR background 2 OMR software 2.1 Open Source … Wikipedia