operator controls

operator controls
органы управления пульта оператора

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "operator controls" в других словарях:

  • operator — The segment of DNA to which the repressor protein binds; it controls the expression of the genes adjacent to it …   Dictionary of microbiology

  • operator for hire — Any person who owns, controls, operates or manages any motor vehicle for hire for the transportation of persons or property on any public highway, or any person who engages in the business of leasing motor vehicles for a compensation for the… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • operator's license — A license, issued by the Atomic Energy Commission to qualified individuals, for the manipulation of controls of production or facilities for the utilization of atomic energy. 42 USC § 2137. A license to operate a motor vehicle, required as a… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • SAE controls — are a standard that specifies how a human operator controls the digging components (i.e. swing, boom, dipper, bucket) of a piece of heavy machinery, such as a backhoe or excavator.SAE controls are one of the two most common control patterns in… …   Wikipedia

  • Accelerator operator — An accelerator operator controls the operation of a particle accelerator used in research experiments, reviews an experiment schedule to determine experiment parameters specified by an experimenter (physicist), adjust particle beam parameters… …   Wikipedia

  • Reactor operator — A reactor operator (or nuclear reactor operator) is an individual at a nuclear power plant who is responsible for directly controlling a nuclear reactor from a control panel and is the only individual at a nuclear power plant who can directly… …   Wikipedia

  • Spotlight operator — The Spotlight Operator , Followspot Operator or a Spot Op is a theatrical technician or more defined as Lighting technician who operates specialized stage lighting instruments known as followspots designed to move, change size, beam, and color… …   Wikipedia

  • Independent System Operator — An Independent System Operator (ISO) is an organization formed at the direction or recommendation of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). In the areas where an ISO is established, it coordinates, controls and monitors the operation of …   Wikipedia

  • Tram controls — The following article describes the controls on electric, rather than steam trams.OverviewThe operation of trams is relatively simple. As trams run on rails, they do not require steering controls. However they do require controls for the smooth… …   Wikipedia

  • Light board operator — In the performing arts and stagecraft, the Light Board Operator is the technician in charge of operating all lighting equipment for a performance, with the possible exception of the spotlights/follow spots, which are usually handled by one or… …   Wikipedia

  • Sound operator — The sound operator (also commonly called production audio engineer, audio engineer, sound board operator, sound technician, sound mixer or A1) is the person responsible for the overall and total execution of the sound design during a theatrical… …   Wikipedia

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