
1) отверстие
2) просвет; проём; проход; внутренний габарит
3) метал. раствор (валков); зазор (между валками)
4) устье (горловины конвертора)
5) раскрытие; открытие
6) выработка
7) вскрытие месторождения
8) разрыхление, рыхление
10) эл. отключение, размыкание; разрыв; обрыв
11) электрон. окно
12) вскрытие (окна в слое оксида)
13) раскрыв; раствор
14) кфт. кадровое окно; световое отверстие
15) гидр. пролив
admission opening
advanced opening
air opening
asbestos fiber opening
bond opening
breaker opening
bridge opening
carcass opening
checker opening
circuit opening
clear door width opening
clear opening
contact opening
core drive opening
crack opening
daylight opening
delayed opening
development opening
die opening
discharge opening
diversion opening
door opening
drain opening
edger opening
end openings
exit opening
exposure opening
eye opening
faulted phase opening
film gate opening
finger opening
flare opening
fly opening
gate opening
gathering opening
hide opening
hinged opening
hook opening
hopper opening
inlet opening
inspection opening
intake opening
jaw opening
joint opening
lateral opening
leg opening
lens opening
main opening
mask opening
maximum opening
mesh opening
mine opening
navigational opening
nozzle opening
opening of groove
opening of helix
opening of mill
opening of river
opening of taphole
pocket opening
progressive opening
raise opening
roll opening
roof hatch opening
rotary table opening
runner opening
runner-vane opening
screen opening
seam opening
shutter opening
side-guide opening
spillway opening
sprue opening
switch opening
threaded opening
throat opening
tonnage opening
tunnel opening
underground opening
ventilation opening
vertical opening
via opening
water opening
water table opening
window opening
wrench opening

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "opening" в других словарях:

  • Opening — may refer to: Games Chess opening Backgammon opening theory Opening bid, a term from contract bridge Other Grand opening of a business or other institution Al Fatiha, The Opening , first chapter of the Qur an Opening, a morphological filtering… …   Wikipedia

  • Opening — O pen*ing, n. 1. The act or process of opening; a beginning; commencement; first appearance; as, the opening of a speech. [1913 Webster] The opening of your glory was like that of light. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. A place which is open; a breach;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Opening — steht für: Grand Opening, (Große Eröffnung), offizielle Eröffnung für den Kundenbetrieb Soft Opening (Sanfte Eröffnung), inoffizielle Eröffnung für den Kundenbetrieb Opening (Bildverarbeitung), morphologische Basis Operation in der digitalen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • opening up — n the opening up of sth when something is made less restricted and more available to people ▪ the opening up of opportunities for women ▪ the opening up of new areas to cultivation …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • opening-up — UK US noun [S] COMMERCE ► OPENING(Cf. ↑opening) noun …   Financial and business terms

  • opening — (n.) O.E. openung act of opening (a door, mouth, etc.), disclosure, manifestation, verbal noun from prp. of OPEN (Cf. open) (v.). Meaning vacant space, hole, aperture, doorway is attested from c.1200. Meaning act of opening (a place, to the… …   Etymology dictionary

  • opening — [n1] gap, hole aperture, breach, break, cavity, chink, cleft, crack, cranny, crevice, cut, discontinuity, door, fissure, hatch, interstice, mouth, orifice, outlet, perforation, recess, rent, rift, rupture, scuttle, slit, slot, space, split, spout …   New thesaurus

  • opening — [ō′pə niŋ΄, ōp′niŋ΄] n. [ME openyng] 1. a becoming open or causing to be open 2. an open place or part; hole; gap; aperture ☆ 3. a clearing in the midst of a wooded area 4. a) a beginning; first part; commencement b) start …   English World dictionary

  • opening — index access (right of way), admission (entry), admittance (means of approach), chance (fortuity) …   Law dictionary

  • opening — ► NOUN 1) an aperture or gap. 2) a beginning; an initial part. 3) a ceremony at which a building, show, etc. is declared to be open. 4) an opportunity to achieve something. 5) an available job or position. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ coming at the beginning;… …   English terms dictionary

  • opening — The period at the beginning of the trading session officially designated by an exchange, during which all transactions are considered made at the opening. Related: close. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary The period at the beginning of the trading… …   Financial and business terms

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