open shed

open shed
открытый зев

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "open shed" в других словарях:

  • shed — shed1 [shed] n. [< ME shadde, var. of shade < OE scead, shelter, protection, SHADE] 1. a small, rough building or lean to, used for shelter or storage, as a workshop, etc. 2. a large, strongly built, barnlike or hangarlike structure, often… …   English World dictionary

  • Shed — (sh[e^]d), n. [The same word as shade. See {Shade}.] 1. A slight or temporary structure built to shade or shelter something; a structure often open in front; an outbuilding; a hut; as, a wagon shed; a wood shed. [1913 Webster] The first Aletes… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shed — Ⅰ. shed [1] ► NOUN 1) a simple roofed structure, typically of wood and used for storage or to shelter animals. 2) a larger structure, typically with one or more sides open, for storing vehicles or machinery. ORIGIN apparently a variant of… …   English terms dictionary

  • Open the Door (Roger Hodgson) — Open the Door Studioalbum von Roger Hodgson Veröffentlichung 2000 Aufnahme 1998–2000 Label …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Shed — For other uses, see Shed (disambiguation). A rural shed …   Wikipedia

  • shed — I. /ʃɛd / (say shed) noun 1. an outbuilding, usually for a specific purpose, as storage, work area, etc.: a tractor shed. 2. such an outbuilding with a roof but no walls: a hay shed. 3. a small building in the backyard of a family home, often of… …  

  • shed — 1. n. 1 a one storeyed structure usu. of wood for storage or shelter for animals etc., or as a workshop. 2 a large roofed structure with one side open, for storing or maintaining machinery etc. 3 Austral. & NZ an open sided building for shearing… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Shed Media — Infobox Company company name = Shed Media Group company logo = company type = Public (AIM [ gb/pricesnews/prices/system/detailedprices.htm?sym=GB00B05MGS05GBGBXAIM%20B05MGS0SHDP SHDP] ) foundation = London,… …   Wikipedia

  • shed´like´ — shed1 «shehd», noun, verb, shed|ded, shed|ding. –n. 1. a building used for shelter or storage of goods or vehicles, usually having only one story and often open at the front or sides: »a wagon shed, a tool shed, a train shed. 2. a hut; …   Useful english dictionary

  • shed — I [[t]ʃɛd[/t]] n. 1) a slight or rude structure built for shelter, storage, etc 2) a large, strongly built structure, often open at the sides or end • Etymology: 1475–85; appar. var., orig. dial., of shade shed′like , adj. II shed [[t]ʃɛd[/t]] v …   From formal English to slang

  • shed — shed1 shedlike, adj. /shed/, n. 1. a slight or rude structure built for shelter, storage, etc. 2. a large, strongly built structure, often open at the sides or end. [1475 85; var. of SHADE] shed2 shedable, sheddable, adj. /shed/, v., she …   Universalium

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