
онкорнавирусы (РНК- содержащие онкогенные вирусы)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "oncornaviruses" в других словарях:

  • Oncovirus — An oncovirus is a virus that can cause cancer. This term originated from studies of acutely transforming retroviruses in the 1950–60s, often called oncornaviruses to denote their RNA virus origin. It now refers to any virus with a DNA or RNA… …   Wikipedia

  • oncornavirus — /ong kawr neuh vuy reuhs, kawr neuh vuy /, n., pl. oncornaviruses. Pathol. any of various RNA viruses that cause tumors in humans and other animals. Also, oncovirus /ong keuh /. [1965 70; ONCO + RNA + VIRUS] * * * …   Universalium

  • type C — adjective : relating to or being any of the oncornaviruses in which the structure containing the nucleic acid is spherical and centrally located a type C RNA virus …   Useful english dictionary

  • on|cor|na|vi|rus — «ong KAWR nuh VY ruhs», noun. any one of a group of viruses that produce tumors and contain ribonucleic acid: »Professor W. F. H. Jarrett…spoke of the oncornaviruses particularly in fowls, mice and cats, in which they can lead to leukemia or… …   Useful english dictionary

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