- olfactronics
ольфактроника (обнаружение и анализ запахов техническими средствами)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
olfactronics — [äl΄fak trän′iks] n. 〚/span> OLFAC(TORY) + (ELEC)TRONICS〛 the science that deals with the detection and measurement by instruments of vapors and particles given off by different substances * * * … Universalium
olfactronics — [äl΄fak trän′iks] n. [< OLFAC(TORY) + (ELEC)TRONICS] the science that deals with the detection and measurement by instruments of vapors and particles given off by different substances … English World dictionary
olfactronics — / tronˈiks/ singular noun (modelled on electronics) the precise measurement, analysis and detection of odours by means of electronic instruments • • • Main Entry: ↑olfactory … Useful english dictionary
ol|fac|tron|ics — «OL fak TRON ihks», noun. the use of electronic instruments to detect and identify anything by its odor: »Eventually olfactronics may be used to guard bank vaults against burglars (New York Times). ╂[< olfac(tory) (elec)tronics] … Useful english dictionary
ol|fac|tron|ic — «OL fak TRON ihk», adjective. of or having to do with olfactronics: »Another aspect of the olfactronic approach to detecting sources through their airborne signatures is the variety of possible ways in which this can be done (New Scientist) … Useful english dictionary