oil sump

oil sump
1) маслоотстойник
2) маслосборник; масляный поддон
3) нефтяной амбар

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "oil sump" в других словарях:

  • oil sump — A container to hold engine lubrication oil. In a wet sump oil system, all the oil is held in the crankcase. However, in the dry sump lubrication system, the oil is stored in a tank external to the engine. The dry sump system is used to make the… …   Aviation dictionary

  • oil sump — See oil pan …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Oil pump (internal combustion engine) — This article is about a part in an internal combustion engine. For other uses, see Oil pump. Oil circulation system …   Wikipedia

  • sump — That part of the oil pan that contains the oil. See dry sump dry sump lubrication oil sump …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • sump pump — a pump for removing liquid or wastes from a sump. [1895 1900] * * * ▪ technology       device that removes accumulations of water or other liquids from a sump pit, the lowest point in a drainage system. If the sump pit is wet only intermittently… …   Universalium

  • sump — i. A low point in an aircraft fuel tank or fuel system where water and other contaminants can collect and be held until they can be drained out. See baffle (i). ii. A low point in an aircraft engine in which lubricating oil collects and is stored …   Aviation dictionary

  • oil pan — noun (C) AmE a part of an engine that holds the supply of oil; sump (2) BrE …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • sump — [sʌmp] n [Date: 1600 1700; Origin: sump swamp (15 20 centuries), from Middle Dutch somp or Middle Low German sump wet ground ] 1.) the lowest part of a ↑drainage system, where liquids or wastes remain 2.) BrE the part of an engine that contains… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sump — ► NOUN 1) the base of an internal combustion engine, which serves as a reservoir of oil for the lubrication system. 2) a depression in the floor of a mine or cave in which water collects. 3) a cesspool. ORIGIN originally denoting a marsh: from… …   English terms dictionary

  • sump — [sump] n. [ME sompe,SWAMP] 1. a) a pit, cistern, cesspool, etc. for draining, collecting, or storing liquids b) Brit. OIL PAN 2. Mining a) a pit or pool at the bottom of a shaft or mine, in which water collects and from which it …   English World dictionary

  • oil pan — oil pans N COUNT An oil pan is the place under an engine which holds the engine oil. [mainly AM] (in BRIT, usually use sump) …   English dictionary

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