- off-peak energy
внепиковая электроэнергия (выработанная в базисной части графика нагрузки); внепиковая выработка электроэнергии, базисная выработка электроэнергии
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Off peak — Period of relatively low system demand. These periods often occur in daily, weekly, and seasonal patterns; these off peak periods differ for each individual electric utility. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy… … Energy terms
Off peak gas — Gas that is to be delivered and taken on demand when demand is not at its peak. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
Off-Peak — The period of low energy demand, as opposed to maximum, or peak, demand … Energy terms
Off-peak — Periods of relatively low system demands … Energy terms
Energy storage — is the storing of some form of energy that can be drawn upon at a later time to perform some useful operation. A device that stores energy is sometimes called an accumulator. All forms of energy are either potential energy (eg. chemical,… … Wikipedia
Zellweger off-peak — Zellweger is the brand name of an electric switching device used to switch off peak electrical loads, such as off peak hot water, on and off. Power stations transmit a ripple on the main transmission lines when off peak rates start (often around… … Wikipedia
Peak Shifting — The process of moving existing loads to off peak periods … Energy terms
Peak demand — is used to refer to a historically high point in the sales record of a particular product. In terms of energy use, peak demand describes a period of strong consumer demand. Contents 1 Peak load 1.1 Off peak 1.2 Response … Wikipedia
Energy FM (Isle of Man) — Energy FM is an Isle of Man based radio station which first started broadcasting in 2001 . The station plays music from the 80 s right up to the current day with specialist shows that play music from as far back as the 1950s. TransmissionEnergy… … Wikipedia
Peak oil — A logistic distribution shaped production curve, as originally suggested by M. King Hubbert in 1956 … Wikipedia
Energy development — Schematic of the global sources of energy in 2006 2007 … Wikipedia