сокр. от orbiter emergency siteместо аварийной посадки ОС
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
OES — can stand for: Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Old East Slavic language Old English Sheepdog a breed of herding dog often kept as a pet Open Enterprise Server Novell s amalgam of NetWare and Linux Order of… … Wikipedia
OES — steht für Obere Einflussstauung, ein Symptom in der Medizin Open Enterprise Server, eine Sammlung von Netzwerkdiensten optische Emissionsspektrometrie, ein analytisches Verfahren, siehe Atomemissionsspektrometrie Original Equipment Supplier, ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
OES — OES: Abk. für optische ↑ Emissionsspektroskopie … Universal-Lexikon
OES — Graece Ὤης, inter Numina Syrorum, hominis sic figuram habens, ut, quia pelle induerctur cetaceâ, etiam piscem referret, memoratur Helladio in Chrestomathia, apud Photium Bibl. cod. 279. Forte contractum ex Ὠάννης, Voss. de Idolol. l. 2. c. 76.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
-oes — (forming plurals of nouns) see o … Modern English usage
oes — al·oes·wood; oes; oes·trel·a·ta; oes·tri·a·sis; oes·tri·dae; oes·tro·scope; oes·trid; oes·trus; di·en·oes·trol; hex·oes·trol; lign·al·oes; oes·tro·gen·ic; oes·tru·ate; … English syllables
Oes — O O ([=o]), n.; pl. {O s} or {Oes} ([=o]z). 1. The letter O, or its sound. Mouthing out his hollow oes and aes. Tennyson. [1913 Webster] 2. Something shaped like the letter O; a circle or oval. This wooden O [Globe Theater] . Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
oes — plural of o or of oe * * * OES (no periods), Office of Economic Stabilization. * * * oes pl. of O; obs. form of ooze … Useful english dictionary
oés-noroeste — s. m. 1. Ponto equidistante entre o oeste e o noroeste. (símbolo: WNW) 2. Vento desse lado … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
oés-sudoeste — s. m. 1. Ponto equidistante entre o oeste e o sudoeste. (símbolo WSW) 2. Vento desse lado … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
oes|tra|di|ol — «EHS truh DY ohl, ol», noun. = estradiol. (Cf. ↑estradiol) … Useful english dictionary