- odorizer
одоратор, одораторная [одоризационная\] установка, нефт. одоризатор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Odorizer — An odorizer is a device that adds an odorant to a gas. The most common type is one that adds a smelly mercaptan liquid into gas lines so that leaks can be easily detected and explosions from built up fumes prevented. A major spur to the… … Wikipedia
odorizer — noun A device to add odor to a gas … Wiktionary
odorizer — Synonyms and related words: atomizer, censer, fumigator, incense burner, incensory, odorator, parfumoir, perfumer, pomander, potpourri, pouncet box, purse atomizer, sachet, scent bag, scent ball, scent bottle, scent box, scenter, smelling bottle … Moby Thesaurus
odorize — odorizer, n. /oh deuh ruyz /, v.t., odorized, odorizing. to make odorous; add scent to: to odorize natural gas to make leaks detectable. Also, esp. Brit., odorise. [1880 85; ODOR + IZE] * * * … Universalium
Poppers — For other uses, see Popper (disambiguation). Variety of popper brands Poppers is a slang term for various alkyl nitrites inhaled for recreational purposes, particularly isopropyl nitrite (2 propyl nitrite) and isobutyl nitrite (2 methylpropyl… … Wikipedia
Methylenedioxymethcathinone — {| id= synChemInfoBox class= wikitable width= 300px style= float: right; margin: 0 0 .5em .5em; bgcolor= #ffffff align= center colspan= 2 Methylenedioxymethcathinone align= center colspan= 2 | IUPAC name: 2 methylamino 1 (3,4… … Wikipedia
Methylone — Systematic (IUPAC) name (±) 2 methylamino 1 (3,4 methylenedioxyphenyl)propan 1 one … Wikipedia
Smart shop — A smart shop (or smartshop) is a retail establishment that specializes in the sales of psychoactive substances, usually including psychedelics, as well as related literature and paraphernalia. The name derives from the so called smart drugs, a… … Wikipedia
Одоризационная установка — (a. odorizer; н. Odorierungsanlage; ф. installation d odoration; и. instalacion deodoracion) предназначена для ввода одоранта в поток газа. Различают O. y. капельные, фитильные и барботажные. B капельныx O. y. одорант из ёмкости… … Геологическая энциклопедия
ОДОРИЗАТОР БАРБОТАЖНЫЙ — аппарат для смешивания воздуха или горючего газа с пахучими веществами (одорантами) путём пропускания газов через растворы этих веществ (Болгарский язык; Български) продухвачен [барботажен] одоризатор (Чешский язык; Čeština) plynová odorační… … Строительный словарь
odorize — verb To add odor See Also: odorizer … Wiktionary