odor nuisance

odor nuisance
неприятный запах; зловоние

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "odor nuisance" в других словарях:

  • Odor — Aroma redirects here. For other uses, see Aroma (disambiguation). Allegory of the senses by Jan Brueghel the Elder, Museo del Prado An odor or odour is caused by one or more volatilized chemical compounds, generally at a very low concentration,… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuisance — La nuisance caractérise généralement un fait (une source) perceptible, provoquant une souffrance vécue et subie. Le bruit est la première source de plaintes dans de nombreux pays. D’autres nuisances communes sont l’exposition à la poussière, à… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Nuisance wildlife management — Deer eating tomato plant Nuisance wildlife management is the term given to the process of selective removal of problem individuals or populations of certain species of wildlife. Other terms for the field, include Wildlife Damage Management… …   Wikipedia

  • nuisance — /nooh seuhns, nyooh /, n. 1. an obnoxious or annoying person, thing, condition, practice, etc.: a monthly meeting that was more nuisance than pleasure. 2. Law. something offensive or annoying to individuals or to the community, esp. in violation… …   Universalium

  • odor — A refined word for smell. A nuisance when noxious. 39 Am J1st Nuis § 59 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Bark (utterance) — A bark is a noise most commonly produced by dogs and puppies. Other animals that make this noise include wolves and quolls. Woof is the most common representation in the English language for this sound (especially for large dogs). Other… …   Wikipedia

  • ECOLOGY — This survey deals with those Jewish sources which have particular reference to environmental matters, and the restrictions upon the actions of the individual both in his own private domain and in public places, to the extent that they affect his… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Home stored product entomology — is most commonly used in lawsuits over the contamination or infestation of foods by insects, usually in the commercial sector. Although stored product entomology may seem a lesser known subject, this branch of forensic entomology is extremely… …   Wikipedia

  • PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION — The laws of planning and construction occupy an important place in contemporary public law. This group of laws regulates the status of the various planning authorities, determines norms for the planning of communities, allocates areas for… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Bacterial vaginosis — Classification and external resources Micrograph of bacterial vaginosis squamous cells of the cervix covered with rod shaped bacteria, Gardnerella vaginalis (arrows). ICD 10 …   Wikipedia

  • Vermicompost — (also called worm compost, vermicast, worm castings, worm humus or worm manure) is the end product of the breakdown of organic matter by some species of earthworm. Vermicompost is a nutrient rich, organic fertilizer and soil conditioner. The… …   Wikipedia

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