oblique cylinder

oblique cylinder
наклонный цилиндр

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "oblique cylinder" в других словарях:

  • Cylinder (geometry) — A right circular cylinder A cylinder is one of the most basic curvilinear geometric shapes, the surface formed by the points at a fixed distance from a given line segment, the axis of the cylinder. The solid enclosed by this surface and by two… …   Wikipedia

  • cylinder — cylinderlike, adj. /sil in deuhr/, n. 1. Geom. a surface or solid bounded by two parallel planes and generated by a straight line moving parallel to the given planes and tracing a curve bounded by the planes and lying in a plane perpendicular or… …   Universalium

  • cylinder — /ˈsɪləndə / (say siluhnduh) noun 1. Geometry a. a solid bounded by two parallel planes and the surface generated by a straight line moving parallel to a given straight line, and intersecting a given curve lying in one of the planes. When the… …  

  • oblique — adj., n., & v. adj. 1 a slanting; declining from the vertical or horizontal. b diverging from a straight line or course. 2 not going straight to the point; roundabout, indirect. 3 Geom. a (of a line, plane figure, or surface) inclined at other… …   Useful english dictionary

  • oblique Mercator’s projection — A type of conformal map projection in which the cylinder is tangent at a great circle other than the equator or the meridian. The line of tangency can be any great circle. The projection is used principally to depict an area near the vicinity of… …   Aviation dictionary

  • cylinder — cyl•in•der [[t]ˈsɪl ɪn dər[/t]] n. 1) math. a surface or solid bounded by two parallel planes and generated by a straight line moving parallel to the given planes and tracing a curve bounded by the planes and lying in a plane perpendicular or… …   From formal English to slang

  • cylinder axis — Axis Ax is, n.; pl. {Axes}. [L. axis axis, axle. See {Axle}.] A straight line, real or imaginary, passing through a body, on which it revolves, or may be supposed to revolve; a line passing through a body or system around which the parts are… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • oblique — [ə bli:k] adjective 1》 neither parallel nor at right angles; slanting. 2》 not explicit or direct: an oblique threat. 3》 Geometry (of a line, plane figure, or surface) inclined at other than a right angle.     ↘(of an angle) acute or obtuse.… …   English new terms dictionary

  • oblique circular cylinder — Geom. a cylinder generated by the revolution of a parallelogram other than a rectangle about one of its sides. Cf. right circular cylinder. * * * …   Universalium

  • oblique circular cylinder — Geom. a cylinder generated by the revolution of a parallelogram other than a rectangle about one of its sides. Cf. right circular cylinder …   Useful english dictionary

  • Oblique projection — Projection Pro*jec tion, n. [L. projectio: cf. F. projection.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of throwing or shooting forward. [1913 Webster] 2. A jutting out; also, a part jutting out, as of a building; an extension beyond something else. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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