objective aperture
Смотреть что такое "objective aperture" в других словарях:
Objective (optics) — Several objective lenses on a microscope. In an optical instrument, the objective is the optical element that gathers light from the object being observed and focuses the light rays to produce a real image. Objectives can be single lenses or… … Wikipedia
Aperture — For other uses, see Aperture (disambiguation). f stops demonstrated on a lens … Wikipedia
Objective — In a microscope, the objective (also called the objective lens) is the lens nearest to the object being examined whereas the lens closest to the eye is termed the ocular (the eyepiece). The light microscope today is usually binocular (with one… … Medical dictionary
aperture — 1. An inlet or entrance to a cavity or channel. in anatomy, an open gap or hole. SEE ALSO: fossa, ostium, orifice, pore. 2. The diameter of the objective of a microscope. SYN … Medical dictionary
aperture — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin apertura, from apertus, past participle of aperire to open Date: 15th century 1. an opening or open space ; hole 2. a. the opening in a photographic lens that admits the light b … New Collegiate Dictionary
numerical aperture — nu·mer·i·cal aperture n(y)u̇ mer i kəl n a number that indicates the resolving power of a microscope objective and is equal to the product of the index of refraction of the medium (as immersion oil) in front of the objective and the sine of half… … Medical dictionary
relative aperture — Optics. the ratio of the diameter of a lens, esp. a camera lens, to the focal length; the reciprocal of the f number or focal ratio of the lens. * * * ▪ optics the measure of the light gathering power of an optical system. It is expressed… … Universalium
Numerical aperture — The numerical aperture with respect to a point P depends on the half angle θ of the maximum cone of light that can enter or exit the lens. In optics, the numerical aperture (NA) of an optical system is a dimensionless number that characterizes… … Wikipedia
Interferometric synthetic aperture radar — Interferometric synthetic aperture radar, also abbreviated InSAR or IfSAR, is a radar technique used in geodesy and remote sensing. This geodetic method uses two or more synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images to generate maps of surface… … Wikipedia
Water immersion objective — In light microscopy, a water immersion objective is a specially designed objective lens used to increase the resolution of the microscope. This is achieved by immersing both the lens and the specimen in water which has a higher refractive index… … Wikipedia
angle of aperture — angular aperture the angle formed at a luminous point between the most divergent rays that are capable of passing through the objective of a microscope; called also a. of lens … Medical dictionary