- nutrient broth
питательный бульон
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
nutrient broth — sultinys statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Mėsos, kaulų, žuvų, grybų ar daržovių nuoviras. Mėsos, kaulų, žuvų sultinys naudojamas mikroorganizmų mitybos terpėms gaminti. atitikmenys: angl. nutrient broth vok. Nährlösung, f rus … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Nutrient agar — is a microbiological growth medium commonly used for the routine cultivation of non fastidious bacteria. It is useful because it remains solid even at relatively high temperatures. Also, bacteria grown in nutrient agar grows on the surface, and… … Wikipedia
Broth — This article is about the food. For the microbial nutrient broth, see growth medium. A bowl of broth. Broth is a liquid food preparation, typically consisting of either water or an already flavored stock, in which bones, meat, fish, cereal grains … Wikipedia
nutrient culture medium — a bacterial culture medium containing beef extract and peptone, used as a liquid medium (nutrient broth) or solidified with agar (nutrient agar, plain agar) for the culture of nonfastidious organisms … Medical dictionary
broth — ► NOUN 1) soup consisting of meat or vegetable chunks cooked in stock. 2) a liquid nutrient medium for the culture of bacteria. ORIGIN Old English, related to BREW(Cf. ↑brewer) … English terms dictionary
nitrate broth — nutrient broth containing sodium nitrate, for testing for the bacterial reduction of nitrate to nitrite … Medical dictionary
broth — noun 1》 a thin soup of meat or vegetable stock, sometimes thickened with barley or other cereals. ↘meat or fish stock. 2》 Microbiology a liquid nutrient medium for the culture of bacteria. Phrases a broth of a boy Irish a very lively boy or… … English new terms dictionary
broth — n. 1 Cookery a a thin soup of meat or fish stock. b unclarified meat or fish stock. 2 Biol. meat stock as a nutrient medium for bacteria. Etymology: OE f. Gmc: rel. to BREW … Useful english dictionary
Middlebrook 7H9 Broth — is a liquid growth medium specially used for culture of Mycobacterium, notably Mycobacterium tuberculosis[1]. Contents 1 Composition 2 See also 3 References … Wikipedia
Super Optimal Broth — (SOB medium) is a nutrient rich bacterial growth medium used for microbiological culture, generally of Escherichia coli . It was developed by Douglas Hanahan in 1983 and is an adjusted version of the commonly used lysogeny broth. Growth of E.… … Wikipedia
Microorganism — Microbe redirects here. For other uses, see Microbe (disambiguation). A cluster of Escherichia coli … Wikipedia