- null event
событие с нулевой вероятностью; невозможное событие
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
null event — negalimasis įvykis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. impossible event; null event vok. Nullereignis, n; unmögliches Ereignis, n rus. невозможное событие, n; событие с нулевой вероятностью, n pranc. événement impossible, m; événement … Automatikos terminų žodynas
null event — negalimasis įvykis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. null event vok. unmögliches Ereignis, n rus. невозможное событие, n pranc. événement nul, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Event condition action — (ECA) is a short cut for referring to the structure of active rules in event driven architecture and database systems. Such a rule did traditionally consist of three parts:* The event part specifies the signal that triggers the invocation of the… … Wikipedia
Event History Analysis — Ereigniszeitanalyse ist eine statistische Analyse, bei der die Zeit bis zu einem bestimmten Ereignis ( time to event ) zwischen zwei oder mehr Gruppen verglichen wird, um die Wirkung von prognostischen Faktoren, medizinischer Behandlung oder… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Null allele — A null allele is a mutant copy of a gene that completely lacks that gene s normal function. This can be the result of the complete absence of the gene product (protein, RNA) at the molecular level, or the expression of a non functional gene… … Wikipedia
impossible event — negalimasis įvykis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. impossible event; null event vok. Nullereignis, n; unmögliches Ereignis, n rus. невозможное событие, n; событие с нулевой вероятностью, n pranc. événement impossible, m; événement … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Stunde Null — is the German language equivalent of zero hour , a military planning term indicating the beginning of some operation or event. Historically, Stunde Null specifically refers to the capitulation of the Nazi government on May 8, 1945, at midnight,… … Wikipedia
Behavior of DEVS — Behaviors of a given DEVS model is a set of sequences of timed events including null events, called event segments which make the model move one state to another within a set of legal states. To define this way, the concept of a set of illegal… … Wikipedia
Probability theory — is the branch of mathematics concerned with analysis of random phenomena.[1] The central objects of probability theory are random variables, stochastic processes, and events: mathematical abstractions of non deterministic events or measured… … Wikipedia
Nullereignis — negalimasis įvykis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. impossible event; null event vok. Nullereignis, n; unmögliches Ereignis, n rus. невозможное событие, n; событие с нулевой вероятностью, n pranc. événement impossible, m; événement … Automatikos terminų žodynas
negalimasis įvykis — statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. impossible event; null event vok. Nullereignis, n; unmögliches Ereignis, n rus. невозможное событие, n; событие с нулевой вероятностью, n pranc. événement impossible, m; événement nul, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas