nuclear synchrotron

nuclear synchrotron
ядерный синхротрон

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "nuclear synchrotron" в других словарях:

  • Nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy — is a synchrotron based technique that probes vibrational energy levels. The technique, often called NRVS, is specific for samples that contain nuclei that respond to Mossbauer spectroscopy, most commonly iron. The method exploits the high… …   Wikipedia

  • synchrotron — /sing kreuh tron /, n. Physics. a type of cyclotron consisting of magnetic sections alternately spaced with sections in which particles are electrostatically accelerated. [1945 50; SYNCHRO + TRON] * * * Cyclic particle accelerator in which the… …   Universalium

  • Nuclear Resonant Scattering — Die Kernresonanzstreuung (engl. Nuclear Resonant Scattering, NRS) ist eine physikalische Messmethode, die auf folgendem Vorgang beruht: Durch Absorption eines Photons kann ein Atomkern in einen angeregten Zustand versetzt werden. Durch Emission… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Nuclear resonant scattering — Die Kernresonanzstreuung (engl. Nuclear Resonant Scattering, NRS) ist eine physikalische Messmethode, die auf folgendem Vorgang beruht: Durch Absorption eines Photons kann ein Atomkern in einen angeregten Zustand versetzt werden. Durch Emission… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • synchrotron — A machine for generating high speed electrons or protons, as for nuclear studies. * * * syn·chro·tron siŋ krə .trän, sin n an apparatus for imparting very high speeds to charged particles by means of a combination of a high frequency electric… …   Medical dictionary

  • List of synchrotron radiation facilities — A list of storage rings and free electron lasers used as synchrotron radiation sources by country. Armenia * Center for the Advancement of Natural Discoveries using Light Emission (CANDLE), Yerevan (proposed) []… …   Wikipedia

  • Australian Synchrotron — [ Australian Synchrotron schema 1. Electron gun 2. Linear accelerator (linac) 3. Booster ring 4. Storage ring 5. Beamline 6. Endstation (or experimental workstation, i.e., laboratory)] The Australian Synchrotron is a 3 GeV synchrotron radiation… …   Wikipedia

  • Nimrod (synchrotron) — Nimrod was a 7 GeV proton synchrotron operating in the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the United Kingdom between 1964 and 1978. It was used for studies of nuclear and sub nuclear phenomena. Nimrod was dismantled and the space it occupied… …   Wikipedia

  • High-energy nuclear physics — is a field of study that examines nuclear matter in energy regimes typicallydelegated to high energy physics. The primary focus of this field is the study of heavy ion collisions.These types of collisions at sufficient collision energies are… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Canadian nuclear facilities — The following is a list of Canadian nuclear generating stations:* Bruce Nuclear Generating Station (Tiverton, Ontario) * Pickering Nuclear Generating Station (Pickering, Ontario) * Darlington Nuclear Generating Station (Bowmanville, Ontario) *… …   Wikipedia

  • Soleil (synchrotron) — SOLEIL (“Sun” in French) is a synchrotron facility near Paris, France currently undergoing construction and testing. It performed its first acceleration of electrons on 2006 05 14. The name SOLEIL is an acronym for Source optimisée de lumière… …   Wikipedia

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