nuclear stability

nuclear stability
1) устойчивость атомного ядра
2) стабильность ядерного реактора

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "nuclear stability" в других словарях:

  • nuclear stability — branduolio stabilumas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. nuclear stability vok. Kernstabilität, f; nukleare Stabilität, f rus. стабильность ядра, f pranc. stabilité nucléaire, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty — Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Participation in the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear drip line — In nuclear physics, the boundaries for nuclear particle stability are conceptualized as drip lines. The nuclear landscape is understood by plotting boxes, each of which represents a unique nuclear species, on a graph with the number of neutrons… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear lamina — The nuclear lamina is a dense ( 30 to 100 nm thick) fibrillar network inside the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell. It is composed of intermediate filaments and membrane associated proteins. Besides providing mechanical support, the nuclear lamina… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear binding energy — is the energy required to split a nucleus of an atom into its component parts. The component parts are neutrons and protons, which are collectively called nucleons. If the binding energy for the products is higher when light nuclei fuse, or when… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear peace — is a theory of International Relations (IR) which argues that under some circumstances nuclear weapons can induce stability and decrease the chances of crisis escalation. In particular, nuclear weapons are said to have induced stability during… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear power in Pakistan — …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear chemistry — is the subfield of chemistry dealing with radioactivity, nuclear processes and nuclear properties. It is the chemistry of radioactive elements such as the actinides, radium and radon together with the chemistry associated with equipment (such as… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear fission product — Nuclear fission products are the atomic fragments left after a large atomic nucleus fissions. Typically, a large nucleus like that of uranium fissions by splitting into two smaller nuclei, along with a few neutrons and a large release of energy… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear transmutation — is the conversion of one chemical element or isotope into another. In other words, atoms of one element can be changed into atoms of other element by transmutation . This occurs either through nuclear reactions (in which an outside particle… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear energy in Belgium — Nuclear power plants in and near Belgium …   Wikipedia

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