nuclear mass

nuclear mass
масса ядра

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "nuclear mass" в других словарях:

  • nuclear mass surface — branduolių masės paviršius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. nuclear mass surface vok. Kernmassenfläche, f; Massenoberfläche, f rus. массовая поверхность ядер, f; поверхность масс ядер, f pranc. surface de masses nucléaires, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Nuclear binding energy — is the energy required to split a nucleus of an atom into its component parts. The component parts are neutrons and protons, which are collectively called nucleons. If the binding energy for the products is higher when light nuclei fuse, or when… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear astrophysics — is an interdisciplinary branch of physics involving close collaboration among researchers in various subfields of nuclear physics and astrophysics, with significant emphasis in areas such as stellar modeling, measurement and theoretical… …   Wikipedia

  • nuclear fission — fission (def. 2). [1885 90] * * * Division of a heavy atomic nucleus into two fragments of roughly equal mass, accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy, the binding energy of the subatomic particles. The energy released in the… …   Universalium

  • Nuclear physics — For other uses, see Nuclear Physics (disambiguation). Nuclear physics Radioactive decay Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion …   Wikipedia

  • Mass excess — The mass excess of a nuclide is the difference between its actual mass and its mass number in atomic mass units.[1] It is one of the predominant methods for tabulating nuclear mass. The mass of an atomic nucleus is well approximated by its mass… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear drip line — In nuclear physics, the boundaries for nuclear particle stability are conceptualized as drip lines. The nuclear landscape is understood by plotting boxes, each of which represents a unique nuclear species, on a graph with the number of neutrons… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear force — This article is about the force that holds nucleons together in a nucleus. For the force that holds quarks together in a nucleon, see Strong interaction. A Feynman diagram of a strong proton neutron interaction mediated by a neutral pion. Time… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear fusion — Nuclear physics Radioactive decay Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion Classical dec …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty — Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Participation in the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear fission product — Nuclear fission products are the atomic fragments left after a large atomic nucleus fissions. Typically, a large nucleus like that of uranium fissions by splitting into two smaller nuclei, along with a few neutrons and a large release of energy… …   Wikipedia

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