nuclear event

nuclear event
ядерное событие

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "nuclear event" в других словарях:

  • nuclear event — branduolinis įvykis statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Įvykis, atsitinkantis eksploatuojant įrenginius, susijusius su branduoline technologija (branduolinio kuro gavyba, sodrinimu, šiluminių elementų gamyba, branduolinių reaktorių… …   Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas

  • International Nuclear Event Scale — The International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) was introduced in 1990[1] by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in order to enable prompt communication of safety significance information in case of nuclear accidents. The… …   Wikipedia

  • International Nuclear Event Scale — Échelle internationale des événements nucléaires Pour les articles homonymes, voir INES. L échelle internationale des événements nucléaires (INES, de l anglais International Nuclear Event Scale) sert à mesurer la gravité d un accident nucléaire.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • International Nuclear Event Scale — Die Internationale Bewertungsskala für nukleare Ereignisse, auch als INES oder INES Skala bezeichnet (von engl. International Nuclear Event Scale), ist eine Festlegung für sicherheitsrelevante Ereignisse in kerntechnischen Anlagen, insbesondere… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Nuclear safety — covers the actions taken to prevent nuclear and radiation accidents or to limit their consequences. This covers nuclear power plants as well as all other nuclear facilities, the transportation of nuclear materials, and the use and storage of… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear power in France — …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear meltdown — Three of the reactors at Fukushima I overheated, causing core meltdowns. This was compounded by hydrogen gas explosions and the venting of contaminated steam which released large amounts of radioactive material into the air.[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear and radiation accidents — This article is about nuclear and radiation accidents in general. For a list of military nuclear accidents, see List of military nuclear accidents. For a list of civilian nuclear accidents, see List of civilian nuclear accidents. For a discussion …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear power plant — This article is about electricity generation from nuclear power. For the general topic of nuclear power, see Nuclear power. A nuclear power station. The nuclear reactor is contained inside the cylindrical containment buildings to the right left… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear weapons in popular culture — A nuclear fireball lights up the night in a United States nuclear test. Since their public debut in August 1945, nuclear weapons and their potential effects have been a recurring motif in popular culture,[1] to the extent that the decades of the …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear power accidents by country — The abandoned city of Pripyat, Ukraine with the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the distance. 57 accidents have occurred since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. Two thirds of these mishaps occurred in the US.[1] The French Atomic Energy Agency… …   Wikipedia

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