- axial magnet
стержневой магнит
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Axial — Ax i*al, a. 1. Of or pertaining to an axis; of the nature of, or resembling, an axis; around an axis. [1913 Webster] To take on an axial, and not an equatorial, direction. Nichol. [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat.) Belonging to the axis of the body; as,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Axial line — Axial Ax i*al, a. 1. Of or pertaining to an axis; of the nature of, or resembling, an axis; around an axis. [1913 Webster] To take on an axial, and not an equatorial, direction. Nichol. [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat.) Belonging to the axis of the body; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
CLEO (particle detector) — CLEO was a general purpose particle detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR), and the name of the collaboration of physicists who operated the detector. The name CLEO is not an acronym; it is short for Cleopatra and was chosen to go… … Wikipedia
Electric motor — For other kinds of motors, see motor (disambiguation). For a railroad electric engine, see electric locomotive. Various electric motors. A 9 volt PP3 transistor battery is in the center foreground for size comparison. An electric motor converts… … Wikipedia
Magnetic resonance imaging — MRI redirects here. For other meanings of MRI or Mri, see MRI (disambiguation). Magnetic resonance imaging Intervention Sagittal MR image of the knee ICD 10 PCS B?3?ZZZ … Wikipedia
Magnetische Influenz — (Induktion), Erzeugung von Magnetismus durch Erregung eines Magnetfeldes. Nähert man den Nordpol eines Magnets einem Stück weichen Eisens, so wird es sofort selbst zu einem Magnet, indem es an seinem nähern Ende einen Südpol, am entferntern einen … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Electromagnet — An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by the flow of electric current. The magnetic field disappears when the current is turned off. Electromagnets are widely used as components of other electrical devices,… … Wikipedia
Magnetic flux leakage — (MFL) is a magnetic method of nondestructive testing that is used to detect corrosion and pitting in steel structures, most commonly pipelines and storage tanks. The basic principle is that a powerful magnet is used to magnetize the steel. At… … Wikipedia
Magnetismus — Magnetismus, ist die Ursache, vermöge deren ein damit behafteter Körper (Magnet) andere Körper im Allgemeinen entweder anzieht (am stärksten weiches Eisen), od. abstößt (am stärksten Wismuth), von einem zweiten Magneten aber das eine Ende anzieht … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Magneto (generator) — 2kW Société de l Alliance magneto generator for arc lamps, of around 1870 This article is about magnetos as electrical generators. For other electrical uses, see Magneto. A magneto is an electrical generator that uses permanent magnets to produce … Wikipedia
Brushed DC electric motor — A brushed DC motor is an internally commutated electric motor designed to be run from a direct current power source. Contents 1 Simple two pole DC motor 2 The commutating plane 2.1 Compensation for stator field distortion … Wikipedia