noninvasive imaging

noninvasive imaging
неразрушающая интраскопия

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "noninvasive imaging" в других словарях:

  • noninvasive — adjective Date: 1968 1. not tending to spread; specifically not tending to infiltrate and destroy healthy tissue < noninvasive cancer of the bladder > 2. not being or involving an invasive medical procedure < noninvasive imaging techniques > •… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • noninvasive — Denoting a procedure that does not require insertion of an instrument or device through the skin or a body orifice for diagnosis or treatment. * * * non·in·va·sive .nän in vā siv, ziv adj …   Medical dictionary

  • Noninvasive glucose monitor — Noninvasive glucose refers to the measurement of blood glucose levels (required by people with diabetes to prevent both chronic and acute complications from the disease) without drawing blood, puncturing the skin, or causing pain or trauma. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging — is a noninvasive imaging method that provides information about cellular activity (metabolic information). It is used along with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which provides information about the shape and size of the tumor (spatial… …   Wikipedia

  • magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging — A noninvasive imaging method that provides information about cellular activity (metabolic information). It is used along with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which provides information about the shape and size of the tumor (spacial information) …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging — A noninvasive imaging method that provides information about cellular activity (metabolic information). It is used along with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which provides information about the shape and size of the tumor (spacial information) …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging — A noninvasive imaging method that provides information about cellular activity (metabolic information). It is used along with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which provides information about the shape and size of the tumor (spacial information) …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • functional magnetic resonance imaging — ▪ medicine       neuroimaging technique used in biomedical research and in diagnosis that detects changes in blood flow in the brain. This technique compares brain activity under resting and activated conditions. It combines the high spatial… …   Universalium

  • Photoacoustic imaging in biomedicine — Photoacoustic imaging, as a hybrid biomedical imaging modality, is developed based on the photoacoustic effect. In photoacoustic imaging, non ionizing laser pulses are delivered into biological tissues (when radio frequency pulses are used, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Molecular imaging — originated from the field of radiopharmacology due to the need to better understand the fundamental molecular pathways inside organisms in a noninvasive manner. Contents 1 …   Wikipedia

  • Medical imaging — This article is about imaging techniques and modalities for the human body. For imaging of animals in research, see Preclinical imaging. Medical imaging Diagnostics A CT scan image showing a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm …   Wikipedia

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