- axe head
обух топора
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
axe-head — axeˈ head noun • • • Main Entry: ↑axe … Useful english dictionary
axe|head — «AKS HEHD», noun. the edged head of an ax … Useful english dictionary
axe head — noun the cutting head of an ax • Syn: ↑ax head • Hypernyms: ↑wedge • Part Holonyms: ↑ax, ↑axe … Useful english dictionary
axe head — noun The metal, cutting, portion of an axe … Wiktionary
Axe — The axe, or ax, is an implement that has been used for millennia to shape, split and cut wood, harvest timber, as a weapon and a ceremonial or heraldic symbol. The axe has many forms and specialized uses but generally consists of an axe head with … Wikipedia
Axé Bahia — is a six member Eurodance/axé music group from Brazil, who achieved fame in South America with their single Beijo na Boca , particularly the Spanish language version, Beso en la Boca . [http://ec1.images amazon.com/images/P/B00008WT5Z.01. AA240… … Wikipedia
Axe Edge Moor — Infobox Mountain Name = Axe Edge Moor Photo = Dove Head 376618 71ea2781.jpg Caption = Dove Head Farm and the A53, looking towards Buxton. On the skyline are the cottages of Axe Edge End Elevation = 551 metres (1808 feet) Location = Peak District … Wikipedia
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords — In the Dungeons Dragons roleplaying game, Axe of the Dwarvish Lords refers to both a powerful magic item and to an adventure module focusing on the item.Within the context of the game as an item, the Axe is an artifact, or a unique magical weapon … Wikipedia
axe — 1. noun /æks/ a) A tool for felling trees or chopping wood etc. consisting of a heavy <! metallic (material is not essential, the axes used to be of stone in the stone age head flattened to a blade on one side, and a <! usually wooden… … Wiktionary
Head & Arm suplex — Suplex Un suplex est un mouvement au catch et à la lutte. En français, suplex veut dire « souplesse ». C est une des prises les plus utilisées au catch. Un suplex consiste à projeter l adversaire à terre sur le dos, le cou ou les… … Wikipédia en Français
Head and Arm suplex — Suplex Un suplex est un mouvement au catch et à la lutte. En français, suplex veut dire « souplesse ». C est une des prises les plus utilisées au catch. Un suplex consiste à projeter l adversaire à terre sur le dos, le cou ou les… … Wikipédia en Français