
шум; шумы; помеха; помехи
acoustic noise
added noise
additive noise
aerodynamic noise
aircraft noise
aliasing noise
alias noise
ambient noise
amplifier noise
amplitude noise
angle noise
antenna noise
atmosphere noise
atmospheric noise
audible noise
audio-frequency noise
auroral noise
avalanche noise
aviation noise
avoidable noise
background noise
band-limited noise
Barkhausen noise
basic noise
beam noise
beat noise
bias noise
broadband noise
burst noise
carrier noise
carrier residual modulation noise
chaff noise
chaotic noise
circuit noise
click noise
C-message weighted noise
collector noise
combustion noise
community noise
contact noise
contact-resistance noise
control motion noise
corona-induced acoustic noise
cosmic noise
crackling noise
crosstalk noise
current noise
dark-current noise
delta noise
dial noise
diffuse noise
diffusion noise
discharge-caused audible noise
discharge audible noise
distribution noise
dither noise
electrical discharge-caused noise
electrical discharge noise
electrical noise
electromagnetic noise
environmental aircraft noise
environmental noise
excess noise
external noise
extraneous noise
extraterrestrial noise
feed-line noise
film-grain noise
filtered noise
fixed-pattern noise
flat noise
flicker noise
flow noise
fluctuation noise
flutter noise
flying noise
forward noise
friction-induced noise
front-end noise
frying noise
full shot noise
galactic noise
gated noise
Gaussian noise
generation-recombination noise
generator noise
granularity noise
granular noise
ground noise
high-frequency noise
high-intensity noise
hissing noise
hum noise
idle-channel noise
ignition noise
impulse noise
impulsive noise
in-band noise
induced noise
industrial noise
inherent noise
in-phase noise
in-plant noise
intermodulation noise
internal noise
intrinsic noise
jitter noise
Johnson noise
junction noise
lightning storm noise
lightning noise
line noise
local oscillator noise
low-frequency noise
man-made noise
Markovian noise
microphone noise
microphonic noise
modal noise
mode-partition noise
modulation noise
multiplicative noise
narrow-band noise
natural noise
neighborhood noise
neutron noise
nongaussian noise
nonwhite noise
normal noise
occupational noise
optical noise
oscillator noise
out-of-band noise
overload noise
partition noise
peak-to-peak noise
perturbation noise
phase noise
phosphor noise
photocurrent noise
photographic noise
photon noise
pinging noise
pink noise
power-line noise
power-supply noise
precipitation noise
pseudorandom noise
psophometric noise
pumping noise
pump noise
pure noise
quantization noise
quantum noise
quasi-Gaussian noise
quiescent noise
quiet-sun noise
radio-frequency noise
radio noise
random noise
reactor noise
receiver noise
recording noise
reference noise
reflection noise
repeater noise
repeat noise
resistance noise
retransmission noise
ripple noise
rotational noise
rubbing noise
sampling noise
Schottky noise
seismic noise
separation noise
set noise
shot noise
signal-independent noise
site noise
sky noise
solar noise
solar-flare noise
sonar noise
spark noise
speckle noise
speech-off noise
speech-on noise
spontaneous emission noise
spontaneous noise
stationary noise
statistical noise
switching noise
target noise
terrestrial noise
thermal noise
thrust reverse noise
traffic noise
transient noise
transmitter noise
tropospheric noise
true random noise
tube noise
ungated noise
urban noise
virgin noise
visible noise
white noise
wide-band noise
windage noise
wind-dependent noise
zero noise

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

Игры ⚽ Поможем сделать НИР


Смотреть что такое "noise" в других словарях:

  • noise — [ nwaz ] n. f. • fin XIe; « bruit, tapage » en a. fr.; lat. nausea « mal de mer » ♦ Vx Querelle, dispute. « C est une noise que vous nous cherchez » (Jouhandeau). « de petites noises » (Duhamel). ♢ (1611) Mod. Loc. Chercher (des) noise(s) à qqn.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • noise — Noise, f. penac. Tantost signifie debat, contens, querele, Altercatio, Concertatio, Contentio, Dissidium, Iurgium, Adiurgium, Lis, Litigium, Praecertatio, Rixa, Velitatio {{t=g}}néikê,{{/t}} contentio, {{t=g}}néikô, m. néikêsô,{{/t}} contendo,… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Noise — Noise, n. [F. noise noisy strife, quarrel, brawl, fr. L. nausea seasickness, sickness, disgust. See {Nausea}.] 1. Sound of any kind. [1913 Webster] The heavens turn about in a most rapid motion without noise to us perceived. Bacon. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • noise — NOISE. s. f. Querelle, dispute, riote. Grande noise. chercher noise. emouvoir une noise. il a émû la noise. il s emeut noise entre eux. il a commencé la noise. c est luy qui est autheur de la noise, cause de la noise. pour moy. je ne veux point… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • noise — [ nɔız ] noun *** uncount a loud or unpleasant sound: The noise from the machines is deafening. make a noise: Please will you stop making so much noise! too much noise: The neighbors said that we were making too much noise. a. count a sound: The… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • noise — noise; noise·ful; noise·less; an·ti·noise; ge·noise; gé·noise; noise·ful·ly; noise·less·ly; noise·less·ness; …   English syllables

  • noise — [noiz] n. [ME < OFr, noise, quarreling, clamor < L nausea: see NAUSEA] 1. a) loud or confused shouting; din of voices; clamor b) any loud, discordant, or disagreeable sound or sounds 2. a sound of any kind [the noise of the rain] 3 …   English World dictionary

  • NOiSE — ist ein Manga von Tsutomu Nihei aus dem Jahr 2001. Er bildet das Prequel zu seinem erfolgreichen Werk Blame!. Das letzte Kapitel von NOiSE enthält Tsutomu Niheis 1994 in der Manga Zeitschrift Afternoon erschienenen Debütmanga BLAME.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • NOiSE — ノイズ (Noizu) Type Seinen Genre Cyberpunk One shot Manga Auteur Tsutomu Nihei Éditeur …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Noise — Noise, v. i. To sound; to make a noise. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Noise — Noise, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Noised}; p pr. & vb. n. {Noising}.] 1. To spread by rumor or report. [1913 Webster] All these sayings were noised abroad. Luke i. 65. [1913 Webster] 2. To disturb with noise. [Obs.] Dryden. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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