- nimbostratus cloud
слоисто-дождевое облако
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Nimbostratus cloud — Nimbostratus with fractus Abbreviation Ns Symbol … Wikipedia
Nimbostratus virga — Symbol Genus Nimbostratus … Wikipedia
Cloud — For other uses, see Cloud (disambiguation). Cumulus cloudscape over Swifts Creek, Australia A cloud … Wikipedia
Nimbostratus — Abréviation METAR Ns Symbole Classification Famille D (À extension verticale) … Wikipédia en Français
nimbostratus — [nim′bō strāt′əs, nim′bōstrat′əs] n. [ModL: see NIMBUS & STRATUS] the type of extensive gray cloud that obscures the sun, found at low altitudes and consisting of dense, dark layers of water droplets, rain, or snow: see CLOUD … English World dictionary
cloud — [kloud] n. [ME cloude, clude, orig., mass of rock, hence, mass of cloud < OE clud, mass of rock: for IE base see CLIMB] 1. a visible mass of tiny, condensed water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere: clouds are commonly… … English World dictionary
nimbostratus — (n.) 1932 (earlier use from late 19c. refers to different cloud types), from Mod.L. nimbus (see NIMBUS (Cf. nimbus)) + connecting element o + stratus (see STRATUS (Cf. stratus)) … Etymology dictionary
cloud — cloudlike, adj. /klowd/, n. 1. a visible collection of particles of water or ice suspended in the air, usually at an elevation above the earth s surface. 2. any similar mass, esp. of smoke or dust. 3. a dim or obscure area in something otherwise… … Universalium
cloud — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. haze (see cloudiness, obscurity); flight (see assemblage). II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Fog at a distance from the earth] Syn. haze, mist, rack, fogginess, haziness, film, puff, billow, frost, nebula,… … English dictionary for students
Cloud atlas — For other uses, see Cloud atlas (disambiguation). A cloud atlas is a pictorial key to the nomenclature of clouds. Early cloud atlases were an important element in the training of meteorologists and in weather forecasting, and the author of a 1923 … Wikipedia
Cloud physics — Atmospheric sciences Aerology … Wikipedia