- newel post
балясина в конце лестничного марша
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
newel post — noun the post at the top or bottom of a flight of stairs; it supports the handrail • Syn: ↑newel • Hypernyms: ↑post * * * a post supporting one end of a handrail at the top or bottom of a flight of stairs. [1790 1800] * * * newel post [newel… … Useful english dictionary
newel-post — noun see newel 1 … Useful english dictionary
newel post — new′el post n. bui a post supporting one end of a handrail at the top or bottom of a flight of stairs • Etymology: 1790–1800 … From formal English to slang
newel post — a post supporting one end of a handrail at the top or bottom of a flight of stairs. [1790 1800] * * * … Universalium
newel post — noun A sturdy supporting post at one end or at a turning point of a staircase banister railing, often topped with a decorative finial. Compare baluster … Wiktionary
Newel — New el (n[=u] [e^]l), n. [OF. nual, F. noyau sone, of fruit, noyau d escaler newel, fr. L. nucalis like a nut, fr. nux, nucis, nut. Cf. {Nowel} the inner wall of a mold, {Nucleus}.] (Arch.) The upright post about which the steps of a circular… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
newel — ► NOUN 1) the central supporting pillar of a spiral or winding staircase. 2) (also newel post) the top or bottom supporting post of a stair rail. ORIGIN Old French nouel knob , from Latin nodus knot … English terms dictionary
newel — [no͞o′əl, nyo͞o′əl] n. [ME nowelle < OFr nuel, a nut, fruit pit < LL nucalis, like a nut < L nux (gen. nucis), NUT] 1. the central upright pillar around which the steps of a winding staircase turn 2. the post at the top or bottom of a… … English World dictionary
Newel — For other uses, see Newel (disambiguation). A newel, also called a central pole, is an upright post that supports the handrail of a stair banister.[1][2][3] In stairs having straight flights it is the principal post at the foot of the staircase,… … Wikipedia
newel — /nooh euhl, nyooh /, n. 1. See newel post. 2. a central pillar or upright from which the steps of a winding stair radiate. 3. (on an escalator) the horizontal section of railing at the upper or lower end. [1325 75; earlier nuel, ME nowel < MF… … Universalium
post — Synonyms and related words: Hermes, Iris, Mercury, PP, Paul Revere, Pheidippides, RD, RFD, Samson post, accredit, acquaint, acropolis, advertise, advise, affiliate, affix, air express, airfreight, airmail, angle, announce, appoint, appointment,… … Moby Thesaurus