- neutron-producing target
пентронная мишень, мишень для получения нейтронов
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Neutron detection — is the effective detection of neutrons entering a well positioned detector. There are two key aspects to effective neutron detection: hardware and software. Detection hardware refers to the kind of neutron detector used (the most common today is… … Wikipedia
Neutron generator — Neutron generators are neutron source devices which contain compact linear accelerators and that produce neutrons by fusing isotopes of hydrogen together. The fusion reactions take place in these devices by accelerating either deuterium, tritium … Wikipedia
Neutron cross section — Science with Neutrons Foundations Neutron temperature Flux · Radiation … Wikipedia
neutron capture — ▪ physics type of nuclear reaction in which a target nucleus absorbs a neutron (uncharged particle), then emits a discrete quantity of electromagnetic energy (gamma ray photon). The target nucleus and the product nucleus are isotopes, or… … Universalium
Neutron flux — The neutron flux is a quantity used in reactor physics corresponding to the total length travelled by all neutrons per unit time and volume [1]. The neutron fluence is defined as the neutron flux integrated over a certain time period. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Magnetized target fusion — (MTF) is a relatively new approach to producing fusion power that combines features of the more widely studied magnetic confinement fusion (MCF) and inertial confinement fusion (ICF) approaches. Like the magnetic approach, the fusion fuel is… … Wikipedia
ISIS neutron source — ISIS is a world leading pulsed neutron and muon source. It is situated at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom and is part of the Science and Technology Facilities Council . It uses the techniques muon spectroscopy… … Wikipedia
Modulated neutron initiator — A modulated neutron initiator is a neutron source capable of producing a burst of neutrons on activation. It is a crucial part of some nuclear weapons, as its role is to kick start the chain reaction at the optimal moment when the configuration… … Wikipedia
Boron neutron capture therapy — Intervention A schematic of therapy facility in Otaniemi, Finland. ICD 10 PCS D?0?6ZZ … Wikipedia
мишень для получения нейтронов — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN neutron producing target … Справочник технического переводчика
Nuclear fusion — Nuclear physics Radioactive decay Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion Classical dec … Wikipedia