network pipe
Смотреть что такое "network pipe" в других словарях:
Pipe Networks — generally refers to a common problem in Hydraulic Design. In order to direct water to many individuals in a municipal water supply, many times the water is routed through a Water supply network. A major part of this network may consist of… … Wikipedia
Network intelligence — (NI) is a technology that builds on the concepts and capabilities of Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), Packet Capture and Business Intelligence (BI). It examines, in real time, IP data packets that cross communications networks by identifying the… … Wikipedia
Pipe Pacific Cable — (PPC 1) is a yet to be commissioned submarine cable network, currently under construction for Australia s PIPE Networks.It promises huge international backhaul cost savings to Australian customers, for access to the US internet backbone [… … Wikipedia
Network architecture — is the design of a communications network. It is a framework for the specification of a network s physical components and their functional organization and configuration, its operational principles and procedures, as well as data formats used in… … Wikipedia
Network Convergence — refers to the provision of telephone, video and data communication services within a single network. In other words, one pipe is used to deliver all forms of communication services. The process of Network Convergence is primarily driven by… … Wikipedia
Pipe (Computer) — Die Pipe (englisch für Rohr, Röhre) bezeichnet einen gepufferten uni oder bidirektionalen Datenstrom zwischen zwei Prozessen nach dem „First In – First Out“ Prinzip. Das heißt vereinfacht, dass die Ausgabe eines Prozesses (ein Programm in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pipe (Informatik) — Die Pipe (englisch für Rohr, Röhre) bezeichnet einen gepufferten uni oder bidirektionalen Datenstrom zwischen zwei Prozessen nach dem „FIFO“ (First In First Out) Prinzip. Das heißt vereinfacht, dass die Ausgabe eines Prozesses (ein Programm in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
pipe — A section of memory that can be used by a program or a command to pass information to a second command for processing. The information is stored in a firstin first out basis and is not altered during transmission. A pipe is opened like a file… … Dictionary of networking
pipe-line system — The main transmission line and a network of gathering lines leading to various oil wells being served. Alexander v Cosden Pipe Line Co. 290 US 484, 78 L Ed 452, 54 S Ct 292 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Smart pipe — With regards to a mobile network operator (MNO or operator ), the term smart pipe refers to an operator’s network which leverages existing or unique service capabilities as well as the operator’s own customer relationships to provide value above… … Wikipedia
Water supply network — Public infrastructure … Wikipedia