- negative picture
негативное изображение
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
negative picture signal — negatyvinio vaizdo signalas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. negative picture signal vok. negatives Bildsignal, m rus. сигнал негативного изображения, m pranc. signal d image à potentiel négatif, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Negative picture — Негативное изображение … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Negative cutting — (also known as Negative Matching and Negative Conforming) is the process of cutting motion picture negative to match precisely the final edit as specified by the film editor. Original camera negative (OCN) is cut with scissors and joined using a… … Wikipedia
Negative — Neg a*tive (n[e^]g [.a]*t[i^]v), n. [Cf. F. n[ e]gative.] 1. A proposition by which something is denied or forbidden; a conception or term formed by prefixing the negative particle to one which is positive; an opposite or contradictory term or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Negative pregnant — Negative Neg a*tive (n[e^]g [.a]*t[i^]v), n. [Cf. F. n[ e]gative.] 1. A proposition by which something is denied or forbidden; a conception or term formed by prefixing the negative particle to one which is positive; an opposite or contradictory… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Negative — Neg a*tive (n[e^]g [.a]*t[i^]v), a. [F. n[ e]gatif, L. negativus, fr. negare to deny. See {Negation}.] 1. Denying; implying, containing, or asserting denial, negation or refusal; returning the answer no to an inquiry or request; refusing assent;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Negative crystal — Negative Neg a*tive (n[e^]g [.a]*t[i^]v), a. [F. n[ e]gatif, L. negativus, fr. negare to deny. See {Negation}.] 1. Denying; implying, containing, or asserting denial, negation or refusal; returning the answer no to an inquiry or request; refusing … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
negative electricity — Negative Neg a*tive (n[e^]g [.a]*t[i^]v), a. [F. n[ e]gatif, L. negativus, fr. negare to deny. See {Negation}.] 1. Denying; implying, containing, or asserting denial, negation or refusal; returning the answer no to an inquiry or request; refusing … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Negative eyepiece — Negative Neg a*tive (n[e^]g [.a]*t[i^]v), a. [F. n[ e]gatif, L. negativus, fr. negare to deny. See {Negation}.] 1. Denying; implying, containing, or asserting denial, negation or refusal; returning the answer no to an inquiry or request; refusing … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Negative quantity — Negative Neg a*tive (n[e^]g [.a]*t[i^]v), a. [F. n[ e]gatif, L. negativus, fr. negare to deny. See {Negation}.] 1. Denying; implying, containing, or asserting denial, negation or refusal; returning the answer no to an inquiry or request; refusing … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Negative rotation — Negative Neg a*tive (n[e^]g [.a]*t[i^]v), a. [F. n[ e]gatif, L. negativus, fr. negare to deny. See {Negation}.] 1. Denying; implying, containing, or asserting denial, negation or refusal; returning the answer no to an inquiry or request; refusing … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English