- negative lens
отрицательная (рассеивающая) линза
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
negative lens — n DIVERGING LENS … Medical dictionary
negative lens — noun : diverging lens * * * Optics. See diverging lens. * * * negative lens, = diverging lens. (Cf. ↑diverging lens) … Useful english dictionary
negative lens — neigiamasis lęšis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. negative lens vok. Negativlinse, f rus. отрицательная линза, f pranc. lentille négative, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
negative lens — Optics. See diverging lens. * * * … Universalium
lens — 1. noun /lɛnz/ a) An object, usually made of glass, that focuses or defocuses the light that passes through it. If the public looks at the condition of Americas children largely through a negative lens, worries Child Trends, it may be more… … Wiktionary
Negative refraction — is the name for an electromagnetic phenomenon where light rays are refracted at an interface in the reverse sense to that normally expected. Such an effect can be obtained using a metamaterial which has been designed to achieve a negative value… … Wikipedia
Negative — may refer to: Contents 1 Science and mathematics 2 Photography 3 Linguistics … Wikipedia
Negative imprinting — is a feature of some film cameras, in which the date, shutter speed and aperture setting are recorded on the negative directly as the film is exposed. The oldest patent on this is US patent #3,882,512, which uses half silvered mirrors to direct… … Wikipedia
Lens (optics) — For other uses, see Lens. A lens. Lenses can be used to focus light. A lens is an optical device with perfect or approximate axial symmetry which tra … Wikipedia
Negative index metamaterials — A negative index metamaterial causes light to refract, or bend, differently than in more common positive refractive index materials. Negative index metamaterials or negative index materials (NIM) are artificial structures where the refractive… … Wikipedia
Lens clock — A lens clock is a mechanical dial caliper that is used to measure dioptric power of a lens. It is a specialized version of a spherometer. A lens clock measures the curvature of a surface, but gives the result in diopters, assuming the lens is… … Wikipedia