- needled steel
сталь с игольчатой структурой
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
needle — needlelike, adj. /need l/, n., v., needled, needling. n. 1. a small, slender, rodlike instrument, usually of polished steel, with a sharp point at one end and an eye or hole for thread at the other, for passing thread through cloth to make… … Universalium
Vietnam — /vee et nahm , nam , vyet , vee it /, n. 1. Official name, Socialist Republic of Vietnam. a country in SE Asia, comprising the former states of Annam, Tonkin, and Cochin China: formerly part of French Indochina; divided into North Vietnam and… … Universalium
needle — I. noun Etymology: Middle English nedle, from Old English nǣdl; akin to Old High German nādala needle, nājan to sew, Latin nēre to spin, Greek nēn Date: before 12th century 1. a. a small slender usually steel instrument that has an eye for thread … New Collegiate Dictionary
Mary Livingstone — Not to be mistaken with the wife of David Livingstone Mary Livingstone Mary Livingstone circa 1940. Birth name Sadie Marks [1] … Wikipedia
needle — /ˈnidl / (say needl) noun 1. a small, slender, pointed instrument, now usually of polished steel, with an eye or hole for thread, used in sewing. 2. a slender, rodlike implement for use in knitting, or one hooked at the end for use in crocheting …
needle — nee•dle [[t]ˈnid l[/t]] n. v. dled, dling 1) a small, slender, rodlike instrument, usu. of polished steel, with a sharp point at one end and an eye or hole for thread at the other, for passing thread through cloth to make stitches in sewing 2)… … From formal English to slang
needle — [nēd′ l] n. [ME nedle < OE nædl, akin to Ger nadel < IE base * (s)nē , *(s)nēi , to sew, spin > SNOOD, L nere, Gr nein, to spin] 1. a) a small, slender piece of steel with a sharp point at one end and a hole for thread at the other, used … English World dictionary
needle — n. & v. n. 1 a a very thin small piece of smooth steel etc. pointed at one end and with a slit (eye) for thread at the other, used in sewing. b a larger plastic, wooden, etc. slender stick without an eye, used in knitting. c a slender hooked… … Useful english dictionary
Pyrenees — Pyrenean, adj. /pir euh neez /, n. a mountain range between Spain and France. Highest peak, Pic de Néthou, 11,165 ft. (3400 m). * * * Mountain range, southwestern Europe. It extends 270 mi (430 km) from the Mediterranean Sea to the Bay of Biscay… … Universalium
needle — {{11}}needle (n.) O.E. nædl, from P.Gmc. *næthlo (Cf. O.S. nathla, O.N. nal, O.Fris. nedle, O.H.G. nadala, Ger. Nadel, Goth. neþla needle ), lit. a tool for sewing, from PIE *net la , from root * (s)ne to sew, to spin (Cf. Skt … Etymology dictionary