Смотреть что такое "avalanching" в других словарях:
avalanche — /av euh lanch , lahnch /, n., v., avalanched, avalanching. n. 1. a large mass of snow, ice, etc., detached from a mountain slope and sliding or falling suddenly downward. 2. anything like an avalanche in suddenness and overwhelming quantity: an… … Universalium
Dark slope streak — Slope Streaks in Acheron Fossae in 2010 … Wikipedia
Singing sand — Infobox Protected area name = |300px caption = Singing Sand Dune location = Altyn Emel National Park, Almaty Province, Kazakhstan lat degrees = 43 lat minutes = 51 lat seconds = 53 lat direction = N long degrees = 78 long minutes = 34 long… … Wikipedia
Pacific Ring of Fire — The Ring of Fire redirects here. For other uses of the term, see Ring of Fire (disambiguation). The Pacific Ring of Fire (see below) … Wikipedia
Mars Global Surveyor — Artist s conception of Mars Global Surveyor Operator NASA Major contractors Orbiter Satellite of … Wikipedia
1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens — Photograph of the eruption column, May 18, 1980 Volcano Mount St. Helens … Wikipedia
Barkhausen effect — The Barkhausen effect is a name given to the noise in the magnetic output of a ferromagnet when the magnetizing force applied to it is changed. Discovered by German physicist Heinrich Barkhausen in 1919, it is caused by rapid changes of size of… … Wikipedia
Alan Jeavons — Dr Alan Jeavons, formerly a Senior Physicist at CERN, Switzerland, founded Oxford Positron Systems in 1985. The activities of the company are research, development and manufacture in wire chamber technology, in particular developing the… … Wikipedia
Avalanche transistor — An Avalanche Transistor is a bipolar junction transistor designed for operation in the region of its collector current/collector to emitter voltage characteristics beyond the collector to emitter breakdown voltage, called avalanche breakdown… … Wikipedia
Plasma (physics) — For other uses, see Plasma. Plasma lamp, illustrating some of the more complex phenomena of a plasma, including filamentation. The colors are a result of relaxation of electrons in excited states to lower energy states after they have recombined… … Wikipedia
Peak inverse voltage — The peak inverse voltage is the specified maximum voltage that a diode rectifier will block.In semiconductor diodesAs a general term applied to semiconductor diodes, peak reverse voltage or peak inverse voltage is the maximum voltage that a diode … Wikipedia