navigational route

navigational route
судоходный путь

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "navigational route" в других словарях:

  • route segment — As used in ATC (air traffic control), a part of the route that can be defined by two navigational fixes, two NAVAIDs (navigational aids), or a fix and a NAVAID …   Aviation dictionary

  • Navigational aid — A lighthouse is an easily recognized aid to navigation. A navigational aid (also known as aid to navigation, ATON, or navaid) is any sort of marker which aids the traveler in navigation; the term is most commonly used to refer to nautical or… …   Wikipedia

  • En-route chart — In aviation, an en route chart is an aeronautical chart that guides pilots flying under Instrument Flight Rules during the en route phase of flight.OverviewEn route charts provide detailed information useful for instrument flight, including… …   Wikipedia

  • Minimum en route altitude — (MEA),[1] alternately spelled as Minimum enroute altitude,[2] is the lowest published altitude between radio navigation fixes that assures acceptable navigational signal coverage (see MRA) and meets obstacle clearance requirements (see MOCA)… …   Wikipedia

  • IFR (instrument flight rules) en route low-altitude charts — En route low altitude charts provide aeronautical information for navigation under IFR conditions below 18,000 ft MSL (mean sea level). This four color chart series includes the jet route structure; very high frequency navigational aids (VHF… …   Aviation dictionary

  • IFR (instrument flight rules) en route high-altitude charts — En route high altitude charts are designed for navigation at or above 18,000 ft MSL (mean sea level). This four color chart series includes the jet route structure; very high frequency navigational aids (VHF NAVAIDs) with frequency [only high and …   Aviation dictionary

  • jet route — A high altitude route system for aircraft with high altitude navigational aids that normally extends from 18,000 ft AMSL (above mean sea level) to flight level 450. The routes are referred to as J routes and designated by a number for easy… …   Aviation dictionary

  • substitute route — A route assigned to pilots when any part of an airway or route is unusable because of its NAVAID (navigational aid) status …   Aviation dictionary

  • unpublished route — A route for which no minimum altitude is published or charted for pilot use. It may include a direct route between NAVAIDs (navigational aids), a radial, a radar vector, or a final approach course beyond the segments of an instrument approach… …   Aviation dictionary

  • great circle route — ▪ navigation       the shortest course between two points on the surface of a sphere. It lies in a plane that intersects the sphere s centre and was known by mathematicians before the time of Columbus. Until the 19th century ships generally… …   Universalium

  • minimum en route altitude — The lowest published altitude between radio fixes that ensures acceptable navigational signal coverage and meets the obstacle clearance requirement between those fixes. MEAs apply to the entire width of all airways or other direct routes. It is… …   Aviation dictionary

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