navigational plotter

navigational plotter
навигационный прокладчик

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "navigational plotter" в других словарях:

  • Yeoman Plotter — The Yeoman Plotter is a unique piece of navigational equipment used on ships and boats, which allows GPS and radar navigation data to be used much more effectively with traditional paper charts. The plotter consists of a plotting surface… …   Wikipedia

  • Breton plotter — A Breton plotter, also known as a Portland Course Plotter, is a navigational instrument used for nautical navigation with charts. It has an adjustable rose that lets you enter local variation to get courses directly in magnetic north …   Wikipedia

  • Chartplotter — A Raymarine chartplotter. A Chartplotter is a device used in marine navigation that integrates GPS data with an electronic navigational chart (ENC). The chartplotter displays the ENC along with the position, heading and speed of the ship, and may …   Wikipedia

  • P. V. H. Weems — Philip Van Horn Weems (March 29, 1889 – June 2, 1979) was a United States Navy officer, inventor of navigational instruments and methods, including the Weems Plotter and the Second Setting Watch,[1] and author of navigational textbooks. Contents… …   Wikipedia

  • Celestial navigation — Celestial navigation, also known as astronavigation, is a position fixing technique that was devised to help sailors cross the featureless oceans without having to rely on dead reckoning to enable them to strike land. Celestial navigation uses… …   Wikipedia

  • ГОСТ 21063-81: Оборудование навигационное судовое. Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ 21063 81: Оборудование навигационное судовое. Термины и определения оригинал документа: 11. Абсолютный лаг Е. Bottom speed log Лаг, производящий измерение скорости относительно дна Определения термина из разных документов:… …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • Automatic Identification System — The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a system used by ships and Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) principally for identification and locating vessels. AIS provides a means for ships to electronically exchange ship data including:… …   Wikipedia

  • Monitoring control and surveillance — Monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS), in the context of fisheries, is defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations as a broadening of traditional enforcing national rules over fishing, to the support of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Radar — For other uses, see Radar (disambiguation). A long range radar antenna, known as ALTAIR, used to detect and track space objects in conjunction with ABM testing at the Ronald Reagan Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll …   Wikipedia

  • Yeoman (disambiguation) — Yeoman may refer to:Types of people* A freeborn servant in a royal or noble household of high standing, below that of a squire, and above pages and grooms; equivalent to a sergeant or corporal depending on status * Yeoman, a late medieval British …   Wikipedia

  • Furuno — The Furuno Electric Company was founded in Nagasaki, Japan in 1938. The company sells Marine Electronics and has subsidiaries in the USA, Europe, China. 1938 to 1969 1938 FURUNO ELECTRIC SHOKAI LTD. founded in Nagasaki, Japan 1948 Commercialized… …   Wikipedia

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