- navigational aid
навигационный прибор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Navigational aid — A lighthouse is an easily recognized aid to navigation. A navigational aid (also known as aid to navigation, ATON, or navaid) is any sort of marker which aids the traveler in navigation; the term is most commonly used to refer to nautical or… … Wikipedia
navigational aid — Any visual or electronic device, airborne or located on a surface, that allows the pilot to fix his position and otherwise guides him or her in navigating the aircraft in flight, while landing or in taking off. A NAVAID may be pilot interpreted… … Aviation dictionary
short distance navigational aid — trumpojo nuotolio navigacijos pagalbinė priemonė statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Įranga ar sistema, kuri teikia navigacijos pagalbą ne didesniu kaip 200 mylių (320 kilometrų) atstumu. atitikmenys: angl. short distance navigational aid pranc.… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Navigational stars — The navigational stars are used in celestial navigation because they are some of the brightest celesital objects due to their high luminosities and/or their proximity to our solar system. Most of these stars are a subset of the list of brightest… … Wikipedia
aid — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 money, food, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ emergency ▪ humanitarian ▪ cash (esp. BrE), development, economic, financial, food … Collocations dictionary
navigational — adj. Navigational is used with these nouns: ↑aid, ↑instrument … Collocations dictionary
navigational satellite — a satellite designed to enable operators of aircraft, vehicles, or vessels to determine their geographical position. Also, navigation setellite. Also called NAVSAT. [1960 65] * * * navigational satellite, an artificial earth satellite that… … Useful english dictionary
navigational grid — A series of straight lines, superimposed over a conformal projection and indicating grid north, used as an aid to navigation. The interval of the grid lines is generally a multiple of 60 or 100 nautical miles. See also military grid … Military dictionary
Radio Navigational Aids — The Radio Navigational Aids (Publication 117) publication contains a detailed list of selected worldwide radio stations that provide services to the mariner.National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, 2008.] The publication is divided into chapters… … Wikipedia
localizer-type directional aid — A NAVAID (navigational aid) used for nonprecision instrument approaches with utility and accuracy comparable to a localizer but which is not a part of a complete ILS (instrument landing system) and is not aligned with the runway. The LDA course… … Aviation dictionary
Radio navigation aid — Radio navigational aids, much like hearing aids, are small devices that allow other technological devices to receive signals which help with navigation. History Invented by Lord Roger Burrman in 1922, radio navigational aids have long since… … Wikipedia