- natural air cooling
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Cooling tower — Natural draft wet cooling hyperboloid towers at Didcot Power Station, UK … Wikipedia
cooling system — Apparatus used to keep the temperature of a structure or device from exceeding limits imposed by needs of safety and efficiency. In a mechanical transmission, the oil loses its lubricating capacity if overheated; in a hydraulic coupling or… … Universalium
Natural convection — Bénard cells. Natural convection is a mechanism, or type of heat transport, in which the fluid motion is not generated by any external source (like a pump, fan, suction device, etc.) but only by density differences in the fluid occurring due to… … Wikipedia
Natural gas prices — at the Henry Hub in US Dollars per MBtu for the 2000 2010 decade. Natural gas prices, as with other commodity prices, are mainly driven by supply and demand fundamentals. However, natural gas prices may also be linked to the price of crude oil… … Wikipedia
Natural afro-hair — Natural hair, black hair, and afro textured hair are terms used to refer to the texture of Black peopleNative Africans hair that has not been altered chemically (by perming, relaxing, straightening, bleaching or coloring). Not all people of… … Wikipedia
Air pollution — from World War II production Smog over … Wikipedia
Natural burial — is a process by which the body of a deceased person is interred in the soil in a manner that does not inhibit decomposition and allows the body to recycle naturally. It is seen as an alternative to contemporary Western burial methods. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Air pollution dispersion terminology — describes the words and technical terms that have a special meaning to those who work in the field of air pollution dispersion modeling. Governmental environmental protection agencies (local, state, province and national) of many countries have… … Wikipedia
Natural History of an Alien — Format Speculative fiction/Sci Fi Starring Various astronomers and scientists Country of origin … Wikipedia
Air conditioning — Cooling and dehumidifying the air in an enclosed space by use of a refrigeration unit powered by electricity or natural gas. Note: Fans, blowers, and evaporative cooling systems ( swamp coolers ) that are not connected to a refrigeration unit… … Energy terms
Air conditioning — The term air conditioning refers to the cooling and dehumidification of indoor air for thermal comfort. In a broader sense, the term can refer to any form of cooling, heating, ventilation or disinfection that modifies the condition of air.… … Wikipedia